View Full Version : does anyone get noises with brain jolts/zaps?

11-05-10, 15:43
Hey all,

So i've occassionally had brain jolts/zaps normally when i'm drifting off, sort of asleep but not, feels like my brain just short circuits for a second or i've just grabbed an electric fence. i've also, separately, thought i heard loud noises like a shout or a bang that jolt me awake.

but twice now i've had a noise that goes with the jolt, like a thud or dull sort of crack, that sounds like it comes from inside my head (yes that does sound mad). like when you pop your ears or your sinuses are messed up, the sound is inside your head... this is just a different sound, a cracking, muffled bursting sort of sound, and it happens with the jolt, like a very tiny thunderclap just hit inside my head, and it snaps me awake (cue heart pounding, shakes, aneurism fears etc....)

i'm not exactly freaking out about it, because i know i have anxiety and i've had just about everything posted on here in the last six months - i'm just all out of freak-out energy maybe. but i would love to hear if anyone else has had this - it'll reassure me, and perhaps anyone else who goes googling...so do tell...


11-05-10, 15:59
I've had this too. It's usually accompanied by dreaming about being punched in the face :/ It doesn't happen very often, but I have experienced it. Apparently, it's not dangerous at all and even people without anxiety get it!

Read this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exploding_head_syndrome

11-05-10, 21:54

Yes i have suffered these for the last 5 years, they are just horrid and i hate them:mad: I'm sorry you suffer them to, but you are not alone and it does help to know i'm not alone:)

Best wishes


18-06-10, 09:08
Funny, it's 5 am and I am having the brain zaps/jumps in bed. They terrify me. I missed my meds and now it is screwing me up. Any suggestions besides caffeine?:ohmy:

Desprate Dan
18-06-10, 11:47
Yes me too! When i stopped taking Citalopram i use to get these zap's all the time day n night i was convinced i could hear Chh chh everytime i got zapped like someone switching a pause button on and off quickly in my head, very strange sensation. Was frightened to mention it incase people thought i had lost the plot big time. Cheers Dan.

18-06-10, 21:37
I've had zaps, jolts and crackling in my ear a lot. Just when I think I'm fine and feel totally relaxed, something happens to remind me that the anxiety is always there. :(

18-06-10, 22:24
hi i have these , not all the time but every so often, just as im driffting off to sleep . i descibe it as one of them guns they use before a race ( THE START GUN) it jolts me awake then im scared to drop of to sleep in case it happens again

Electric Blue
19-06-10, 07:20
Omg I was just thinking about this...I get EXACTLY the same thing. HOWEVER I do see a quick flash of light as well...does anyone get this? I VERY RARELY experience this...it's not often it happens maybe once or twice a year.

Jet Stratus
19-06-10, 17:03
I get those, too. Sometimes I inhale sharply and kinda half sit up in bed, then lay back down almost immediately and I'm asleep within five or ten minutes. I've heard it's rather common and not dangerous. I've had them since I was a kid (so, for roughly 25 years)...around 7 years old I'd guess.

05-08-10, 11:41
been having theese zapps for a couple of years ,,just learning what they are .thought i was going mad. finding out more each day cheers x

19-08-10, 12:01
ive had anxiety for about 15 yrs,,realy trying to sort it out.been seing a mental health worker ive got a mood diary to fill in.been filling it in for the last 3,4 weeks.my attacks seem to come when my partner is around,not that im scared of him.he kind of makes me jump when i see him and im always thinking have i done this have i done that,hoovering.when im in the car with him im on edge can feel panic attacks coming on,,my partner i would say has depression and has been like that for years very moody nothing happy yo say.hes been on tablets in the past but come of them his self..could his mood be affecting me please anyone xxxx