View Full Version : So stressed out today. (heart )

11-05-10, 15:44
I've been worrying about my heart for quite some time now and it's just now getting to the point where I'm actually terrified and my health anxiety is going into overdrive. I'm afraid to do ANYTHING because I believe I'll have a heart attack and it'll kill me. I've been having these attack things - it starts in my back, goes to my chest, up my neck, and into my jaw. Usually right-sided. NOT left, anywho.. I've been told they're "probably" esophageal spasms/Gallbladder.. etc. but if that doesn't describe angina idk what does.. My doctor said she won't do anymore tests seeing that I had 3 EKGS/a chest x ray/ and I've just turned 19. Not overweight, low cholesterol. But I swear, I think I have some kind of underlying heart condition. I'm getting tests done on my throat/stomach/and gallbladder either tommorow or thursday.. but I'm still so worried.
Should I be? I need reassurance to the max, home alone today so it's making things a lot worse. :weep: :weep:

11-05-10, 16:43
Hey - try and calm down. I am feeling exactly the same as you, believe me. However, what I keep trying to tell myself is, I've felt this before and nothing bad happened because of it. Look you will be absolutely fine, the chemicals that rush through your body when you are panicing are giving you all those feeling/sensations that you have described. Because you have such a heightened sense of awareness, all these pains and feelings are simply adding to your panic. Honestly, if you ask anyone on the street to sit down and think about where they are sore, they'll probably be able to name a few places on there body... but the difference between them and you/me is that they don't dwell on it, they don't worry about what these sesations might be; they don't worry about whether that pain they are feeling might be the 'Big One'.....
I'm going through a bit of a health anxiety episode at the moment, very similar to what you are describing, but have to always remember that nothing bad is going to happen - truely believe that. you are safe!