View Full Version : Ergophobia (fear of work)

11-05-10, 17:29
A couple of weeks ago I had a severe panic attack at work, so bad that I haven't been back. Everytime I think of going in to work my chest tightens and I start panicking again, so I have been signed off work for at least two weeks until I feel strong enough to go back (have been prescribed citalopram to help me cope).

Has anyone else experienced this?? Its very difficult to cope with, I love my job. I'm not lessening the importance of phobias such as Pteromerhanophobia (fear of flying) but I don't need to worry about getting on a plane all the time, whereas I HAVE to at some point go back to work. I'm constantly worried people will notice something in me, maybe I'll go red, start shaking. Its getting me down.

Any advice?

11-05-10, 19:08
I'm sorry your struggling, it's an awful situation to be in.

Do you have a panic attack when you think about going out anywhere else? Can you still live a normal life and go shopping and the pubs ect

If it is just work related, then you could try exposeure therapy.
Go with a safe person (or on your own if you are feeling brave) and just sit outside of your work place and see how you feel then.
You'll know your not going inside to work, just seeing how it feels to be on the outside.

Then build up each day and see how it goes.
The longer you leave it, the worse your fears will get.

I had a similar experience when i had a panic attack at college, when it came to me going back there i was so panicky and ill, i'd never known anything like it.
I became agoraphobic very quickly, but if you are Ok in other aspects of your life and it is just work related then exposure therapy should help you, if you are still not ready in a few weeks go back to the doctor and get more help.

11-05-10, 21:42
Thanks for your response.

The therapist I saw yesterday (seems like ages ago, time is going very slowly which is strange) told me to take the 2 weeks off work and I instantly felt relieved - but then again today felt tense and anxious. On an anxiety level from 1-10 I'd say probably a 6 throughout the day. The thing is I know I don't have work for 2 weeks so I'm starting to worry that it is effecting how I feel about going out generally. Perhaps I'm just over thinking it?

I'm off for a weekend away in Brighton on Thursday which is a good test so we'll see how that makes me feel.

Exposure sounds good now I think about it. Perhaps on the week before work I could go to work to meet a friend for lunch. So I know I'm not going IN to work, just visiting, and I'll see how that makes me feel :) I'm determined not to let this beat me.

Many thanks, I hope you're problems have sorted themselves out x

Going home
12-05-10, 01:21
Has anyone actually given your fear this label or did you look it up? Ive never heard of it before. I know agoraphobia, and that can mean being fearful of the place where you first had a panic attack...for you unfortunately it happened to be your place of work, but it could have been in the supermarket or the hairdressers too, and if you love your job then its hardly likely that you have a fear of work, more a fear of whatever situation you were in that may have triggered your panic attack. Who told you it was Ergophobia, your therapist?

12-05-10, 08:47
Hi there, No nobody told me that is the name of my fear. I believe agoraphobia is being afraid to leave the house? If not perhaps it is a form of agoraphobia. When I went to the doctors and explained everything she basically said you have basically created work as a place of fear. Nothing at all triggered my attack but I work on a busy reception where people are constantly walking in and out and talking to me, and for 2 hours I couldn't control the attack. So now everytime I even THINK of going to work, my stomach turns over.

I guess when you're paranoid about your problem you google everything, but if every google page is right then I have ergophobia, agoraphobia, social anxiety, generalised anxiety disorder, panic disorder etc as I seem to have all the symptoms for each! Perhaps shouldn't believe what I read so much :)

12-05-10, 09:40
Hi there.

I gave myself the 'ergophobic' label too, but I think Going Home is right and it's probably not the right one. Agoraphobia is basically a fear of not being able to escape a situation, so that can be the workplace too.

I totally understand where you're coming from. It's really important to try not to avoid work, as avoidance reinforces your fear and it's a vicious circle. Exposure is a good idea. When you go back, you might well feel wobbly, but do your very best to go with the anxious feelings and not run away from them. They feel terrible but they won't hurt you, and as soon as you realise you can sit through it and be ok, you've won the battle. I know it's a horrible thought that people might see, but I bet you they won't!

Anyway, just wanted to wish you luck :) Use your 2 weeks to relax and de-stress, but make sure you keep going out so the anxious feelings don't creep into other areas

Take care

12-05-10, 09:42
Thank you so much, its nice to know people have been in similar situations and gotten through it. I WILL beat this!!

Thanks x