View Full Version : tmj/dental work/sinues?

11-05-10, 20:03
wondering if anyone can help
i;ve recently had some dental work done (new white fillings).one being an inlay style filling that was quite deep the other 2 are just normal white fillings. I have been to a second dentist for the last one as wasn't happy with the first. anyway all in all have been back and fo dentist for about 6weeks now trying to get fillings adjusted correctly etc..after much adjusting i am left now feeling that my bite is wrong and fillings still feel bit sensative. even thou the dentist (who i do trust as she is very good) says the bite is even and the fillings are not being hit! after reading on google (i know i shouldn't) i'm starting to feel that my bite is never gonna get back to how it was. i feel now as thou my whole face is tensing up..i can't seem to find correct bite and find myself subconciously clenching teeth!!! i'm not sleeping and i'm starting to get serious panic attacks now that i'll never be fixed..and am thinking now i have tmj starting as i have some neckpain and earache!
before all this dental work started i did have some pressure in my left cheek and twitching on cheek bone so i'm wondering if there is some kinda sinus thing going on too which might be adding to it all.
My dentist thinks i am just stressed and it will all settle down. i am due to go on hols next week and am dreading it in case it all gets worse. i have a dr's appointment friday to check out sinus issue. I'm just really getting myself in a state over this and don't know how i can relax and try not to think about it :-(

11-05-10, 21:03
If you had TMD in your TMJ, you would know because you would have suddenly had trouble with the joint there. You being stressed is making your jaw clench and this causes all kinds of problems, for example, for me my lower face twitches, my neck hurts, behind my ears hurt and in my ears hurt and more...the face has so many muscles its just so damn sensitive to things.

I'm sure your fillings will settle down soon, and if not then in a few weeks you can go back to him and scream! As you get less anxious about the issue I BET your bite will start to feel right again.

Anyway, let us know what the doc says.

Take care x

11-05-10, 21:13
For the past 2 days or so I have had a pain in the right side of my cheek. It goes worse when I open my mouth wide... It feels like a muscle is being pulled or something, it hurts!

When I eat I sometimes hear a clicking noise... Could this be TMJ?

11-05-10, 21:29
thanks loopy
am trying to calm myself down as i realise stress/anxiety can cause lots probs too..i think it's def a muscle realted prob cos just had lovely hot bath and everything seems so much better when i'm in there! shame i can't stay in there all day :-)

12-05-10, 16:40
hey, i can sort of relate to you. i have TMJ and believe me its damn annoying! sitting in the dentist chair can cause tmj, or if you already have it it can make it worse. my tmj is very painful somedays, i have to be very careful with what i eat, nothing too chewy, when i yawn i have to support my chin, i can't get too stressed out or it gets worse, i can't sing or shout, ( which rules out singstar damn it! lol)
i had a tooth out 2 months ago and afterwards my bite felt off, my dentist says i have a cross bite and that is what is causing some of my pain but personally i think she just wants £800 out of me to get it corrected.
TMJ can affect all parts of your face, including your ears, your eyes, your temple, headaches can be caused by it, bad posture. the trick is to try not to open your mouth too wide, avoid clenching, and just rest your jaw, after a while the muscles repair and it will go back to normal.

12-05-10, 22:30
yes i think the numerous dentist visits has def caused some kinda tmj symptoms but they seem to be getting better day by day. i'm just trying to rest jaw. not eat anything chewy or crunchy and like u said not over stretching jaw or yawning etc. i'm also putting lots of heat onto ear area and neck to relax muscles. hopefully it'll clear up soon. also the bite seems to be getting better...when i'm not thinking about it seems fine :-) am hoping it'll get better each day now..am def less stressed and have STOPPED googling any symptoms as they were making me soooo panicky!!!