View Full Version : tired

31-01-06, 10:33
hi everyone,
can anyone tell me if feeling tired can make you feel dizzy
not the usual balance thing, but funny, its hard to explain can anyone relate to this
luv sue xx

31-01-06, 11:17
hi sue
do you mean like spacey when im tired i feel floaty/spacey if that makes sense tiredness is at the bottom of alot of anxiety syptoms i think as we often have trouble sleepin and then the tired symptoms make us anxious yet another vicious circle eh
hope this helps or even makes sense
hope you sleep well tonight have you tried lavender

31-01-06, 14:45
I had a weird dizziness for two weeks after a panic attack. It was quite frustrating, and only compounded my problems. It would come and go throughout the day. I never really had any balance problems with it. Of course I also had trouble sleeping during this time, weird dreams, restlessness, fatigue, etc.

Hope you get a good nights rest, and loose the dizzy spells.


31-01-06, 19:10
I suffer with dizziness a lot and it is always worse when I am tired. I am sure anxiety and tiredness combined can exagerate these symptoms.

Annie x