View Full Version : night sweats?

gina p
12-05-10, 06:09
I don't know if these would be classed as night sweats but for the last few months (not every night either) I am waking up with my back being damp - nape of neck and down my upper chest . I'm not soaking but quite damp and my duvet is a bit damp too . Isn't this a sign of cancer ?

12-05-10, 07:56
Gina Hun although as you know I'm no doc but I don't honestly think you need worry too much, with the weather getting a touch warmer lately (and I think it's been warmer up there than down here for a change) plus anx it's probably just that......first thing that happens to me with anx/panic attack is my internal thermometer packs it's bags. The other thing is that I'm only 36 but I'm beginning to feel hormonal changes and I think there's a chance of(it runs in family) perimenopause I've heard it can go on for as much as 15 years.........joy. Do you think your hormones are balanced? Just an idea.......

12-05-10, 11:17
If youre on anti depressants, check its not one of the side effects. I put up with night sweats for years and it completly stopped when I swapped meds.

12-05-10, 13:09
Hello I just wanted to add that I also have night sweats. Yes some times I actually wake up in a state of sweat however it is usually before I go to sleep. This sounds weird but if I listen to music before I go to bed on my ipod I sweat a stupid amount! My feet, hands arms and everything is soaking. I think this rather odd but Im not worried.
Laura x