View Full Version : Traces Of Blood In Urine

12-05-10, 07:32
Decided to see my doctor yesterday about my bad back and my anxiety symtoms with having the feeling to go the toilet (frequent urination), which I have had lot's of times over the years with this anxiety.

He checked me over and said it looks like i have pulled a muscle in my back and then asked me to do a urine sample, which my wife passed me a bottle to use, which she had at home.

He dipsticked the urine sample and said no infection but traces of blood and he would like me to come back in two weeks and do another dipstick test etc.

I have never had this before and i went back to work feeling very low etc and thinking how do i get through the next two weeks with this on my mind.

Then in the afternoon, my wife phoned me up and said she thinks she passed me the wrong bottle, which she passed me a used the bottle which weeks ago she used because of having long belts of bleeding (period), which the doctor then tipped down the sink and passed my wife back, which she then rinsed it out and put it away.

Because of this mistake, could the traces of blood be from my wife still be present in the bottle, even though she rinsed it out etc? I'm just hoping this is the reason and I'm trying to think positive etc because the traces of blood in my urine has worried me about having the deaded "c".

12-05-10, 07:49
Hi when i was pregnant every urine sample that i gave had traces of blood in it but no signs of infection. The doctor was never concerned despite my concerns and they never said that it was due to pregnancy (as obviously yours isnt!). The traces of blood maybe signs that an infection is starting and thats why your doctor asked you to come back in 2 weeks, i was also told that you can get traces of blood in your urine if you have cystitus, did the dr mention this?

12-05-10, 07:58
He just mentioned that it is not un-common and i could of bruised my kidney etc but when I left his surgery, all I could think was something is seriously wrong etc.

12-05-10, 11:48
I was wondering if I should go back with a fresh sample in a new sample bottle, invade they picked-up blood from which my wife had because of period problems or wait until two weeks time?

Any advice please?

Going home
12-05-10, 12:07
I think if you're worried, then call the sugery and ask to speak to the doctor or one of the nurses and explain it like you have here, and tell them you'd like to bring in another urine sample for them to test. A dip-stick test takes no time and even if you can't get in to see the doctor, the practice nurses could do it and reassure you.

Anna xx

12-05-10, 12:33
I get a lot of bladder infections, so im forever going into my doctors and getting the receptionists to test it for me. It takes about 30 secs of their time to do it. So my advice is to get a clean bottle from them at the desk and do a sample in the doctors. (not in front of everyone though lol)
Ive had blood in my urine before and my GP wasnt in the least bit worried by it.

12-05-10, 17:01
At Xmas I had terrible problems with urine; always having to go but only producing dribbles, a full bladder feeling all the time, having to get up in the night and horrendeous back pain. After constant nagging by my mrs I went to the Dr who done a urine test. Like you, no infection but traces of blood. She said it could be an infection (which I did not believe as there is a bit on the stick for infection) or a kidney stone. After a week of antibiotics I was re-checked and all was clear though i felt worst. I googled it and freaked. This was the start of my HA. To cut a long story short, I decided to go private a few weeks back now, saw a fantastic urologist who scanned my kidneys and bladder with ultrasound. Again there were traces of blood in my urine. He said that as he had felt my prostrate this could have caused the blood and that these dip sticks are too bloody sensitive though to be on the safe side he would send my sample to a lab to have a test for red blood cells. All was clear.

Exercise can cause blood in urine too. My advice would be to go back to Dr`s explain that there may have been a mix up and have a re-test. If you used the wrong tube then yes, as these dip sticks are so sensitive.

12-05-10, 17:03
Ive recently been to the Doctors regaarding a bladder infection. I was going a biit more than normal.

Dr asked me for a sample, which I provided. He did a dip stick test and he said there was a slight trace of blood in my urine. Nothing to worry about.

He gave me antibiotics and its all sorted now.

Dont worry, its probably an infection! Get plenty of Cranberry juice drunk! Tastes like poo at first, but youll soon get used to it!

12-05-10, 18:43
At Xmas I had terrible problems with urine; always having to go but only producing dribbles, a full bladder feeling all the time, having to get up in the night and horrendeous back pain. After constant nagging by my mrs I went to the Dr who done a urine test. Like you, no infection but traces of blood. She said it could be an infection (which I did not believe as there is a bit on the stick for infection) or a kidney stone. After a week of antibiotics I was re-checked and all was clear though i felt worst. I googled it and freaked. This was the start of my HA. To cut a long story short, I decided to go private a few weeks back now, saw a fantastic urologist who scanned my kidneys and bladder with ultrasound. Again there were traces of blood in my urine. He said that as he had felt my prostrate this could have caused the blood and that these dip sticks are too bloody sensitive though to be on the safe side he would send my sample to a lab to have a test for red blood cells. All was clear.

Exercise can cause blood in urine too. My advice would be to go back to Dr`s explain that there may have been a mix up and have a re-test. If you used the wrong tube then yes, as these dip sticks are so sensitive.

I must admit, I have been doing exercises alot (loosing the pounds) and this was what caused my back pain (sit-up bench), so I was not aware this can cause blood etc.

My doctor said he would send off mine to make sure there was no infection, which he said there was not according to the dip-stick etc.

12-05-10, 18:59
The dip stick will tell if you have an infection. It`s sent off to look for red blood cells.

It sounds like your`s is down to excercise for sure.

13-05-10, 13:17
My wife has phoned up the nurses and they said it is unlikely to be my wife’s blood, so that bit of hope I was hanging onto has gone.

13-05-10, 13:22

I have always had blood in my urine without any kind of infection. They looked into it but nothing came up so i just don't worry about it. Im sure it is nothing to concern yourself over.


13-05-10, 14:52
I reckon that it is the excercising that you are doing. I would go back to the Dr`s and get re-tested.

13-05-10, 20:06

I have always had blood in my urine without any kind of infection. They looked into it but nothing came up so i just don't worry about it. Im sure it is nothing to concern yourself over.


me too :)

14-05-10, 08:02
I reckon that it is the excercising that you are doing. I would go back to the Dr`s and get re-tested.

I do about 6 miles a night on the exercise bike mostly then two minutes on the sit-up bench, could the bike cause it etc or could my bad back (pulled mussels) cause it?

I thought I would not google it because I'm sure I would read something, which I don't want to hear.

16-05-10, 02:29
Hello Red :)

I have had blood in my urine twice and both times the docs sent me for further urine tests and blood tests and nothing whatsoever was found, the doc told me that the dipsticks aren't very accurate when it comes to blood in urine.

17-05-10, 10:53
Gazman, the dipsticks are too accurate so I was told by the urologist (professor) that I saw. He mentioned that they pick up on traces which can be due to too much exercise or other minor things.

Reddevil, I think yours is down to excercise. You need to be re-tested and if there are still traces the urine needs to be examined in a lab for the presence of red blood cells. It cannot and should not be ignored. Im not a Dr but I can relay what I was told. I went through all this last month.

17-05-10, 15:49
Thankx, I will go back next week like he asked.

I have got myself a new bottle to use, rather then a re-used one thi time.

I'm tempted to go this week but I guess I have to follow the doctors orders etc.