View Full Version : End a Panic Attack

12-05-10, 08:07
Hello every one
Here , a question what do we feel when we have Panic attack ? . Also, where panic and anxiety come from ?! . so,
First of all, A panic attack is a condition of adrenaline being released into your bloodstream. A message of fear sends a signal to the adrenal glands that there is an emergency.
The adrenal glands are pea-sized organs that sit on top of your kidneys. They are filled with adrenaline that, when released into your body, gives you heightened abilities to respond to emergency situations. This emergency response causes physical symptoms that many people misinterpret as a heart attack or other serious physical conditions.
How it works
Adrenaline causes extra blood >>gets pumped into your major muscles>>also goes into your brain>>give abilities to respond to the emergency
Here, there are some steps to stop a panic attack
Relax by taking slow, deep, complete breaths. Calm yourself by remembering that you are only having a panic attack and that nothing more serious is happening to you. Continue to take slow, deep, complete breaths. Slow, deep, complete breaths will relax your body, which is the first step to reversing the release of adrenaline. Stop negative thinking by shouting the word "STOP. By shouting "STOP”. Often people having a panic attack get into an endless loop repeating the same catastrophic thoughts over and over in their head. Here there are some coping statements might be, "I've gotten through this situation many times before and I can get through it again" or, "I am fine, everything is fine." Finally, Accepting your feelings is very important. Most panic attacks are caused by the emotion of fear or some variation of fear. If you're afraid that you're having a heart attack, it's certainly valid to be afraid of that. If you are afraid of footsteps behind you on the street it's reasonable to be afraid that something bad might happen to you. In all of these cases take the appropriate precautions. These are all important precautions to ensure your safety. Fear is a positive emotion that reminds you to take care of yourself. Listen to your feelings, take good care of yourself, and keep your emotions in proportion to the situation by keeping an appropriate perspective..

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