View Full Version : The pill and brown spotting

12-05-10, 09:37
I started the pill (loestrin 20) last month. First month was ok, no spotting or anything. This month I am 10 days in and for the last few days ive been getting brown discharge. I saw my nurse who said it is just spotting, she said lots of women get the brown discharge whilst their body adjusts to it. She also said it could be that the pill isn't strong enough for me, but to give it another month to see if it stops.

Has anyone else experienced this, and did it settle or did you have to change pill?

12-05-10, 09:48
same thing happened to me on loestrin a few years back i ended up having to change as it wasn't strong enough, like the nurse said give it another month it may just settle.

di xx

12-05-10, 10:12
Thanks Diane.

So you had the brown discharge mid cycle? it isnt' red, just yellowy/brown, but today very brown. I had non first cycle though.

12-05-10, 10:36
I haven't had experience of this myself but a friend of mine did. It settled down after a while.


12-05-10, 10:41
Thanks Laura xxx

12-05-10, 12:59
I had terrible problems on my first pill 6 months ago, microgynon. I had bleeding and spotting for a whole month!! This is very common within the first 3 months of starting the pill. I wasn't willing to go on with that one though so my doctor changed me to Yasmin after the first month and I have had no problems with that one.

Sometimes, a certain pill just doesn't work for you. You will probably be advised to wait another month to see if it settles down and if it doesn't to change.

12-05-10, 13:26
Thanks Jo.

Yes I have been told to give it another month, and if it hasn't stopped then I have to go and see my GP to have it changed.

It is very annoying isn't it.