View Full Version : Worried I have a heart problem

12-05-10, 10:17
Recently I've been on a diet to try and lose a bit of weight. I'm 5ft 9 and a size 12 with a bmi of 23.6 (I've just turned 30). I'm trying to lose about 6 pounds even though I'm in the healthy weight range I just want to get slightly trimmer on my thighs. The problem being is I feel so washed out. I've been getting on my exercise bike but literally within 30 seconds of being on it at average speed cycling my heart is beating so fast which I find strange and I am also getting breathless, ocassionally I get a very slight pain in my left side of my chest as well but nothing bad or lasting long.

I feel really wiped out all the time, like I just want to sleep but if I nap in the day because I need one I just wake up feeling even worse and sometimes jittery and dizzy. I've found the slightest thing wipes me out, like going upstairs to the toilet leaves me a bit out of breath and my heart beating quite fast.

I feel like I've got a permanent virus because I feel tried, queasy, legs ache, bad lower backache, lower adbominal pains (which feel a bit like continuous period pains), heart racing easily.

I had an ECG about 8 months ago which was normal I'm assuming as heard nothing from my Dr. Had a chest x-ray as my esr levels are raised but that was normal (chest x-ray was last summer).

I've had a cold (not a really bad one) over the weekend and it has left me completely exhausted even though the cold has gone. I just feel so rough. I have a Dr's appointment on the 25th May but am going to be stressing until then :weep:

12-05-10, 10:40
I get the same when I go on my exercise bike, have no idea why but it puts me off of going on it!!:D


12-05-10, 10:48
Heya Cat,

I get the same thing with any form of exercise. Even walking up a tiny hill at uni or up a few stairs. I'm just terrible. I'm constantly tired too, exhausted all the time, and I never feel better after waking. How long have you been feeling so tired for may I ask?

12-05-10, 11:49
Heya Cat,

I get the same thing with any form of exercise. Even walking up a tiny hill at uni or up a few stairs. I'm just terrible. I'm constantly tired too, exhausted all the time, and I never feel better after waking. How long have you been feeling so tired for may I ask?

Hiya, have been feeling tired for as long as I can remember but at the moment no matter how much sleep I get I never feel refreshed.

It worries me because as a teenager I had ME and scared I will be getting it again even though I know it's probably all just anxiety.

12-05-10, 12:37
What is ME?

12-05-10, 14:56
I have the same problem ! When i first had a panic attack years ago i was convinced i was dying of a heart attack , so that led to years of anxiety about my heart , palps ,racing , etc .. so still to this day the thought of putting strain on my heart gets me worked up . i have bein doing karate for eight years ,so you would think if something was gonna give it would have done by now ,, i do get light headed most times ,so that kinda gets me worrying theres something not rite ,, ive bein to a cardiologist twice now in past few years just to fobbed off and told theres nothing wrong ,, i explained to the new nurse at the practise what ive bein going through and her reply was , you should have bein put on a tred mill and stress checked !! i hate how these doctors just fob you off :mad:.. if it gives us peace of mind why not just do what they are paid to do ...

12-05-10, 15:58
It may not be M.E as such, but it could just be a mild chronic fatigue syndrome due to the anxiety and how overworked the nervous system is with it. I have a mild chronic fatigue syndrome and suggested fibromyalgia (I think this is referred to as m.e. as well, although not sure) but not the the point that I cannot function. I just like to sleep a lot and I always feel exhausted. I think it's definitely all just down to the anxiety, it uses so so so much energy that of course we are going to be exhausted! Have you tried just light exercise like hour long walks instead of riding an exercise bike?

12-05-10, 16:28
Thanks for the replies :)

Yes amieekid chronic fatigue syndrome is another name for ME. I had ME for 4 years as a teenager and spent my life just sleeping, as in I never left the house in all that time. Then it took me another 3 years to get back out into the world.

I'm just worried that the anxiety has caused some damage to my heart (even though I know it's highly unlikely). Heart problems run in our family but usually bought on by smoking (which I never have), high BP (mine is normal) or being overweight (I have a healthy bmi).

I'm not anxious 24/7 but seem to have all the anxiety symptoms 24/7. Is this possible?

12-05-10, 20:47
I'm not a doctor but I know exactly what your problem is

lack of exercise

When my dog hasn't been walked for a few days because of a run of really bad weather she gets all down in the dumps, lethargic, curls up on the sofa all day.

When she gets walked twice a day as usual, she is bouncy, happy, energetic, eats more food, generally a much happier and energetic dog.

What you are experiencing is completely normal. You are unfit and you have become scared to exercise.

I read a book once called 'Feel the Fear and do it anyway', in which the author wrote that less than 20 minutes of exercise is not enough. It starts off incredibly hard and you don't want to do it. Then around 20 minutes in, if you stick with it, you will get an amazing feeling of endorphins and a real confidence in your own body.

Do 20 minutes, it's only about 6 uplifting songs worth of exercise. The music really helps to - choose happy uplifting songs.