View Full Version : I am worried

12-05-10, 10:41
I think i may have health anxiety :weep: i explained thta my mum passed away in jan this year with bowel cancer and i had to watch her passaway,now i feel i may have it too,i have been very stressed since the death not wanting to eat,feeling unwell,i have lost weight,i feel as if it were my fault i took her to hospital and she didn't want to go she asked me to let her die at home but it was taken out of my hands:weep:
My symptons are ..
feeling emotional all the time
lump in throat sometimes.
running to the loo.
chest pain
loss of appetite weight loss
and two urnine infection in the last 10 days.
had a stomach bug last week.

I just want to be back to normal again and get on with my life :)

12-05-10, 10:49
I am very sorry to hear about your mum.:hugs:

You sound like you are VERY run down at the moment, also every symptom you have listed is classic anxeity. Your loss is obviously very recent and you are grieving. Do you have a nice GP you could see and talk to. Maybe some counselling will help. I really don't think you have bowel cancer, the mind ie a very powerful thing believe me I've convinced myself I have had every cancer going:blush:

Is there any family members you could talk to also?

This forum has been amazing at helping me so when you feel down come and talk to us too, someone will be here to help.

Love and hugs


12-05-10, 11:20
Thankyou laura,that has made me feel much better :flowers:

I have made an appointment on monday to see my GP and have a chat with him i held off incase he thought i was been silly :)

Everything goes through your mind and because its all so cloes to me i took mum for all her tests and i thought at the time please don't let this happen to me!

My daughter keeps telling me not to think about things so much but thats hard.

12-05-10, 11:28
Thankyou laura,that has made me feel much better :flowers:

I have made an appointment on monday to see my GP and have a chat with him i held off incase he thought i was been silly :)

Everything goes through your mind and because its all so cloes to me i took mum for all her tests and i thought at the time please don't let this happen to me!

My daughter keeps telling me not to think about things so much but thats hard.

My Father passed away last year from MND and a few months later I was convinced that I was going to get the same horrible disease and worried myself sick over it. You sound as though you are going through something very similar to me. Watching a parent or loved one slowly die in front of you as horrible and takes some time to come to terms with. I saw my GP and eventually got a counseller out of it, whom I am still seeing. I must say that everytime I talk to her I feel better so I would definately recommend it.
Good luck and take care, you are not alone

12-05-10, 11:40
im sorry to hear about your mum and for the way your feeling im currently suffering from post natal depression for to me as no reason, i have worried about my health for 3 years after watching several family members die... its not pleasent however your mind plays tricks on you and in the end you convince yourself you have these terrible conditions but infact its just anxiety, my doctor once told me that anxiety suffers will feel any miunor pain 10 times worse than those who dont suffer with it... its mind over matter i currently feel like im going mad losing my mind but deep down i know its anxiety and thats what you have to tell yourself, good luck...