View Full Version : How Did it get to this ?

12-05-10, 10:47
One day I was laughing, enjoying everyday life and the next I was worrying about an indigestion which was niggling away. That cleared but it was too late for my mind. .Next day I felt some tension in my shoulders then a whoozy turn, then neck tension. Following weeks symptoms just kept coming. Upset tum, nausea, aches, nasal congestion, twinges here and there.
I consulted the doc about a possible inner ear problem due to the congestion and lightheaded turns. Instead, he ordered blood tests which set me off worrying even more.
By the time I got the results I was well wound up.Having shakey, cold turns,night sweats etc.. Results were great...so I should have been so relieved and yet I then started worrying more about my tum not settling down ( forgetting completely that I had eaten like a mouse for the previous 4 weeks or so ). Now, Im struggling to get back to how I was and for the first time ever feel really depressed and dont know how to cope with that feeling.

Do any of you find that it only takes one trigger to set off your HA?

12-05-10, 17:24
Yes depression triggered mine. But then because i was worrying about my health so much it made it worse and escalted the problem. You are not alone. And with the help from not only us on here, but ur doctor and local mental health team, u will and can get better x tke cre x

12-05-10, 20:43
Thanks crazhayz.. I am really struggling to understand the depression. I havent experienced it before. Anxiety yes, Ive been there before.
Perhaps its because I spend so many hours alone in the daytime with time to think too much. Ive lost interest in so many things and confidence too.

12-05-10, 22:39
Same as me, in CBT they teach u about the depression bit. Its a fact that Anxiety causes depression and Depression causes Anxiety!! Its a vicious circle!! But go to ur doctor and explain. They should be happy to help you, medication and CBT was the best thing i ever did, and i was tonnes worse than u, i had a complete nervous breakdown because it all got too much...until i went to my doctor then i realised i did need to get help. Ive been moved onto Recovery Stage with my CBT now, but its takena lot of patience and hard work on my side.. u gotta rly rly want to get better for it to work,. and be willing to do what they teach u, and also take ur meds. Keep me updated x good luck x

13-05-10, 11:35

OMG, this is exactly how my HA started! Bad acid in my tum.... Over the past 6-7 months i have been to hell and back on this horrific journey of emoition and stress! I was fine one day and then boom the next!! Don't get me wrong it is still there... on one at the moment as i have strange pains in my head and today i am lightheaded but it will pass and i know not to worry, sounds easy right!! I worry yes, but not un-naturally

Your anxiety sounds fairly mild, like mine was but still it took over my life for 6 months. I started with some guided self-help arranged by my GP, like CBT but not as intense.. 4 sessions and a holiday to Florida (not prescribed by the NHS LoL) later i was fine, well fine in comparison!

anymore, maybe more than most but it isn't taking over my day anymore!!

Speak with your GP about self-help and CBT! Worked a treat. I didn't go on meds so i can't recommend!

I wish you all the luck and hope your find a way out of the vicious circle.

x x :)

13-05-10, 11:47
Thanks Gabi.. Ive also refused medication.Im seeing an NLP Hypno in 2 weeks. 10 years ago I had a 7month HA problem which turned my life upside down and NLP really helped me out of it and I was fine for 10 years until this issue began a while back.
It doesnt feel mild at times to be honest. I could curl up into a ball but im fighting it. Im just so fed up of the strange symptoms coming off the back of it.. I move from one to another and it really gets you down doesnt it.

13-05-10, 11:48
me to went to be at the birth of my granddaughter felt so happy ,next day bang it hit i didnt get out of bed for 3 months i was very very bad so ill. but 3 years on still there but learnt to liv4 with it and not let gad take over my life its hard but ,at least i know what triggers it hope you the best