View Full Version : stupid worry, to put it bluntly spot in a** crack

12-05-10, 11:56
hi everyone

first of all i know how silly this will sound.

I realised yesterday i had a bit of soreness/tenderness in the crack of my a***, managed to forget about it til this morning, i had a quick rub with my finger and it felt like a swollen spot or boil, no head or anything, but i could feel a lump under the skin that was painful in the same way that a giant zit or ingrown hair is, so i gave it a squeeze and POP, pus, blood, and little bits of white (sorry to be so graphic!!) came bursting out, i wiped everything off, gave it a couple more squeezes til nothing but bloody water was coming out, and wiped it over with a paper towel covered in warm soapy water.

Now heres the problem, because it is about an inch or to just above and to the side of, erm, ahem, the *hole* (ewwwwwwwwww eugh sorry) i am worried incase any germs get in and i get a horrible infection, i will put some savlon on it when i get home, but i don't have any access to anything like that at work!

Now i'm thinking oh god scepticemia, blood poisoning, do i need to see a doctor?? etc..... all because of a spot on my bot!!!!

What do you guys think? :blush:

12-05-10, 12:02
I'm sorry your post made me laugh:roflmao:Not the fact that your worried just the way you have described things.

I don't think it will get infected as long as you keep the area clean and I don't think there's a chance of you getting septicimia.

I really hope it clears up soon that can't be pleasant.


12-05-10, 12:12
hi Laura

Thanks for your reply :) i'm glad it made you laugh, sometimes you have to see the funny side lol x

12-05-10, 12:15
No worries

Just had a thought, my husband would kill me for putting this on a public forum but its not like anyone knows him:D but he suffers from this quite often and he puts sudocrem on it and it really helps, I suppose Savlon is the same though.

Take care


12-05-10, 12:34
haha good idea! thanks for the tip, i'll give that a try i use sudocrem for my psoriasis so i should have some lying around the house!

Thank you :) xxxx