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12-05-10, 13:10
I know I'm bad for this and it's embarrassing but I use too much toilet roll. I was in a public toilet today with poor lighting and thought I was not properly clean. So I kept using more and realised I had cut it quite bad..so went to another toilet and was so worried I had to use lots of loo roll to check it wasn't too bad but it was quite alot as I scrapped too much..like there was more blood than normal I think...maybe like when you shave you can hurt your chin? is it just as simple as that and harmless?

Will I do myself damage? I know it sounds silly I think it's probably stopped but I worry my bowls will just break or something and ocd about not being clean. :blush:

12-05-10, 13:21
The more you rub the more likely you are to get splits in the skin around your anus which are like paper cuts and very painful and you get spots of bright red blood.

You won't harm yourself particularly by over wiping but you can damage the skin around your anus as above which is painful.

You know its your ocd that doing this so try and get a handle on this but don't worry about hurting yourself. Do you do this at home as well?? Try not to block your loo with loo roll or it could be expensive!

12-05-10, 13:31
It sounds to me that you have just wiped too hard and too many times and have just got a minor cut from this. Like yourself I am really odd about going to public toilets as well as being clean and because im trying not to touch the sides or the toilet itself I don't realise how hard or harshly i am wiping and I get a cut. Don't be worried, just try and be a little more senstive to the area. Or perhaps take a small pack of wet wipes with you?

Laura xxx

12-05-10, 13:44
Wet wipes is a brilliant idea! Sorry to be graphic but I wrap my wad of loo roll in a wet wipe.....the kids kandoo wipes are best cos they're flushable/biodegradeable so won't (hopefully)get caught in the pipes. But you'll find you'll feel clean easier and quicker x

12-05-10, 14:33
Buy yourself some pile cream to alleviate any soreness that you'll be left with too^^

12-05-10, 17:19
You know its your ocd that doing this so try and get a handle on this but don't worry about hurting yourself. Do you do this at home as well?? Try not to block your loo with loo roll or it could be expensive!

Yes blocked a few toilets..just worry I'm not clean.

I guess I have to control it a bit better. When I have less time it's better like at a pub.

If I'm in the house I can spend half an hour in the toilet.