View Full Version : Very worried... strange head pain

12-05-10, 14:39
Hi guys,

Not been on here for a while but i need some support.

For the last few days i have very strange pains all over my head, they tend to be sharp and short in nature. But they are powerful and are freaking me out.

The internet suggests that it could be sinus or cluster headaches or even due to nerve pain in the neck.

I am freaking out a little, although my HA is at bay these days!! Anyone experienced this?

Thanks :)

12-05-10, 17:38
Yep, had them badlyyyyy when i was having rly bad anxiety couple of months back, my head would have massive sharp stabbing pains all over it, it hurt but was quick.. like u describe. Ive had the exact same thing. I even had burning sensations and aches all over my entire head. I got fed up with my doctor not listening so one night I drove to A&E, totally exaggerated my symptoms of course, said i wasblacking out n everything lol, they gave me a CT scan, which was clear :-) Since that night ive not had hardly any pains atall, they stopped for a week after my results came back, and when they did happen again i knew it was just muscular so i didnt worry atall and then they totally cleared up. Nothing to worry about. But check with doctor anyway, if he listens then he'll refer you for a brain scan.

13-05-10, 11:24
Thanks Crazyhazy,

I am visiting the doc on 28.05 so i have decided to put my HA to the back of my mind and monitor the situation over the next 2 weeks. If it is still happening then i will mention it to the doc. I don't think that it is related to anxiety but i have been quite tense at work and i think that the tension is causing the pains in my head!! I do have bad sinuses as wekk so it could also be that.

Very lightheaded today though.. if it is not one thing it's another hey...

Thanks again. :)