View Full Version : Low BP

12-05-10, 16:14
I had my BP checked yesterday and it was 90/60. The nurse said it was ok but abit low, I know that is pretty low, and mine is always 120/80. She said as I haven't been drinking properly lately it is probably the cause.

I was ironing before and after standing for an hour or so I felt abit shaky, like a sugar rush. I had to lie down and have some crisps and chocolate, I just grabbed what I could. I felt really light headed. I had soup and bread for lunch, and I have drunk 2 50cl bottle of still water, I am now on my 3rd. I am not a great drinker, I am always so busy and neglect myself, poor excuse I know.

Has anyone else had BP this low before, anything I can do to help it? other than the drinking. I had it this low once when I was pregnant years ago. It is making me feel really yuk!

12-05-10, 16:21
my bp goes up and down everyones does at cirtain times of the day ,, try not to worry

12-05-10, 18:36
My bp is at 90/60 all the time, my doc said it's healthy.
I can get dizzy if I'm on my feet for too long or if I've not eaten/drunk properly.
Might be a bit annoying but it's defo better than high bp!
Just make sure u eat and drink well and don't over do things x

12-05-10, 18:57
Hi Jessica. Is there a medical reason for your low BP? Mine is sometimes on the low side because I am on lithium. Is is a known side effect. Other meds can cause this too.

12-05-10, 19:39
I am on the pill, I went for a check up and my BP was low, she said it was not connected to the pill as that would cause high BP if anything, lol!

She put it down to me not drinking enough. I know that lack of fluid can cause low BP, I have learnt that in university so it is probably due to that.

12-05-10, 22:57
Last time i went for pill re check I had low BP too...really freaked me out cos im scared of fainting! But i really think it was jsut cos i hadnt drunk enough!

blue moon
13-05-10, 02:10
Hello,my b/p is always low,when I stand I get dizzy and nearly pass out it very scary for me my doctor said to buy a blood pressure machine to monitor it.I will:)

13-05-10, 04:07
I work in the health field and and active ppl have low blood pressures. Have you been more active lately?

13-05-10, 04:15
Heya Jessica,

I've always had low BP, and whenever I stand up or sit up or move my head to quickly or bounce around too much or exercise to vigorously I get horrible dizzy sensations, very much like a sugar rush too. I've also never been much of a drinker, don't know why, my body's just never really wanted that much water. I find that light cordial is easier to drink than water. There's just something about plain water I don't like, lol. Regular exercise can also help with blood pressure, not full on exercise, but brisk walks and other kinds of endurance stuff :)

13-05-10, 13:19

I have really low blood pressure, mine is always worse in the summer - something to do with dehydration (i am also not a big drinker) anyway i get terribly dizzy when i stand up and have to put my head between my knees when it gets too bad. It can make me feel a bit strange too, like i need to eat something sugary. For ages i was freaking myself out thinking i had diabetes (But no, it's just the low bp) Actually we should count ourselves lucky as naturally low blood pressure is healthy.


13-05-10, 13:43
Thank you all. I think I just need to make sure I drink more and see if it improves. My GP will be checking it when he sees me next week.