View Full Version : Oooh what to say about me!

12-05-10, 18:07
Oh dear, never good at starting these things! :blush:

Well I'm Emma, in my 30's, native Bristolian but currently living in Manchester with my partner and grown up daughter.

I have GAD and panic attacks, probably some depression in there as well which is extremely out of control at the moment. I'm a survivor of 2 nervous breakdowns, the last one just over 3 years ago left me an alcoholic, addicted to valium and a self harmer, all of which I beat :yesyes:

I'm currently on propanolol max 80mg a day and on my 2nd week of counselling.

Oh and I'm really glad to be here!

12-05-10, 18:09
Hi Belfry1973

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

12-05-10, 18:16
Hi Emma,
I hope you find the site as helpful as i have, it has helped me no end!!!

Debs xx

12-05-10, 18:27
Hello Emma,

:welcome: to No More Panic! You have beat so much already! That must have been so hard so congratulations! There are so many people on here who have gone through similar and very different problems who can offer you so much support!

Welcome and Take care xxx

12-05-10, 18:48
Wow! That's quite the set of experiences! More power to you, and welcome to NMP! :)

12-05-10, 21:46
hi hun and welcome to nmp, u sound a really strong women and a fighter, u will get lots of support here and make friends too, hugs xx

13-05-10, 12:40
Hi Emma,

Welcome to NMP!!! You have taken a huge step in the right direction just by joining this site. You will find lots of support here hun.

Take care

13-05-10, 19:27
Thank you all, I've obviously found the right place! :hugs: