View Full Version : Finally Introducing Myself!

12-05-10, 18:38
Hi guys!

I just joined the site yesterday when I was looking for information and support about starting citalopram. I've been active on that the cit forum, but have first looked at the rest of the forum today!

I am 22 graphic design and Japanese area studies student and live in Wisconsin in the US, and have been a worry wort all my life. From grade school on I started changing my mind, facing my fears one by one and changing my life for the better. All was well when I first had a bad bout of anxiety my senior year of high school, which was started with a double inner ear infection and a stomach flu during a road trip to Florida. After having horrid vertigo and virtually unable to eat for an entire week I began to worry constantly about my health.

For a year I suffered undiagnosed (our family doesn't go to the doctor much), but when I went to college and met some very good friends at the freshman icebreakers my anxiety went away. I would have blips here and there, but slowing down and taking my time was always the cure.

The summer after my sophomore year my anxiety hit me hard and fast. I thought I had all my ducks in a line and had a good plan for life, but my world was quickly turned up-side down.

I suffered again for three months, being tested for malady after malady and coming out completely healthy. I tried many remedies, and nothing seemed to work for long. After three months of fearing my death every day, I agreed to medication for my overactive anxiety and panic attacks.

The first week of my paroxetine regimen was a hell of a different sort, but I quickly began to feel much better. Three weeks in, I realized that I felt completely calm, and things that would have otherwise bothered me were simply a fact of life, and I was much more able to address them. I could concentrate and think clearly, and life was a breeze! I practiced positive thinking, and realized exactly how much I had to be thankful for.

However, my step-father hated paxil and paroxetine for the bad experience my step-aunt had with it some time back. For a long time I argued with him that it was working perfectly fine for me, and reassured him that I was fine (which of course was impossible). At the end of this January I stepped off of paroxetine, and was mostly fine for nearly five months. However, my anxiety has acted up again, and now I am three days into my citalopram regimen.

The side effects are a bother, and I hope they will wear down soon! I have to begin job-hunting soon, and have a graduation ceremony to attend this weekend.

I hope to get to know everyone on this forum and to find inspiration for every day! I truly believe that as a group supporting each other we are made stronger. :)

12-05-10, 18:40
Hi Faethra

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes