View Full Version : Hello again - yet more advice sought

31-01-06, 12:54
Hello there everyone - long time no speak.

Have not been on for months because I have been doing really well however a blip back in September has brought on a new problem and I just wondered if this is the final stage now.

I can do just about anything now....with one of my many safe people in view, shopping, theatre, cinema, school runs, assemblys, eat out, stay over at friend etc etc but am now crippled by panic when out on my own. It has been creeping back gradually, first one a few weeks ago was in a shop, then another two different shops then even this morning standing at a cash machine with my car clearly in view :(

I am telling myself that this must be it now, so close to having this thing cracked. I accept that I am not ill and in no danger but now these attacks are instant and go from fine relaxed to full on panic attack instantly. Strangely now though when they turn off they are over immediately IE this morning as soon as I was back in the car instant calm again. Before I would get warning, have time to apply techniques and if I did succumb to a full blown panic attack I would feel the aftershocks for hours (heart racing, palps, sweats, shakes etc) Now get none of that just FULL on panic , severe then gone????

If I can just nail this one thing now I will be cured I know it but how can I un-trigger my "on guard" mode when it is instant.

Anybody else experience this stage so far into recover? Love to hear any advice.

Thank you.


31-01-06, 13:15
Hey Angie,

You sound like you have been doing so well, a big well done for that.

I not really sure what to suggest other than it is kind of like trying to break a habit. Other than keep on facing these things and places I dont know. Sorry! You know you can overcome this, and you will, I'm sure of it!

Take care,

tracy x x

Every time you avoid your fears they become stronger,every time you face your fears they become weaker.

31-01-06, 14:33

Well done on how far you have come along - you have done so much so congratulations on that.

I think we all have something that lingers long after the panic attacks susbide. I know I do too.

It will go in time with gentle reassurance from yourself and trying to work on those thoughts that creep in - you know when they happen and the situations that provoke it so try to work on them. Keep on going back to those anxiety provoking situations so that you can get control of it again.

I am sure you can get on top this too and then you will be free from all anxiety!

Good luck.


31-01-06, 15:28
Thanks Tracy and Nicola

Nicola - that is what is weird, all my anxiety symptoms and stress are now under control, no more physical symptons and sleep like the innocent but out of the blue have instant full blown panic attacks again - all be them short lived they are too quick in arrival to use distraction ie no pre anxiety and over the moment I feel safe again.

I am wondering if this is now agrophobia?

Weird [:o)] - not scared anymore (ie assume I won't die, have not dies so far in a year) just want to lick this last bit??????????????

31-01-06, 19:31

Triggers still happen and how you respond to them need to be what you work on now.

A trigger can happen and now you need to have a competition with yourself as to how fast you can banish the thoughts and response that come with the triggers and bring on rationality.

NO - this is not agoraphobia.


31-01-06, 21:10
Hi Meg

Hope you are well.

I hear you hunny...lol

I discussed this evening just with my lovely OH the cold turkey approach... Booking a day off work, getting dropped of in the morning (ie - not driving, no car, no safety net) at my local shopping complex 9am - no pick up (or escape) until 5.30pm.

Is this a reasonable approach to the final coutdown? There are coffee shops, loos etc and lots of shops. My lovely family have suggested a list to take one item to be purchased from all 30 shops in the complex, keep me occupied. I am sorely tempted to do this - does "no escape" equal the coping response that seems to missing at the moment?

I think this is the only approach not yet attempted?

Any advice greatly received.

PS - OH offered to call manager of said mall to "look out for me" if struggling - but that is not going to help is it - Just me now????? If the "safe zone" is still in my head as a place or person other than myself - it will not work long term...is this true?

31-01-06, 21:54

Think that is being a bit extra rough on yourself.

Think you can take yourself off to a mall or petrol station, cold section of supermarket and put yourself through it situation by situation but without the being dumped bit thrown in.

*If the "safe zone" is still in my head as a place or person other than myself - it will not work long term...is this true?* Pretty much BUT I think you should be allowed your transport and not subject yourself to it all day at once.

I thought OH was Occupational Health but I guess its Other Half for this.....



31-01-06, 22:26
In this instance OH is probably both....:D

First major panic attack was one year ago 9th Feb - had enough now. Have done everything section by section, overcome, stairs (work, shops, friends pleasure), hills (France, Dorset, Wales, my own tiny village ones that may as well have been Mt Everest), cold (-7 one morning according to car & still did school run), lights (what light s- don't even notice them anymore) , fridges (even went to an ice skating party two weekends ago).

Nothing else left - BP great, pulse normal, sleep often, calm, happy, great job...no stress.

Someone close to me said - "congratulations, the control freak you are, is now even controlling the uncontrollable" - You win, you have achieved ultimate survival status.

I don't want this responsibility anymore - let someone else be "on guard" for a change.

So close and yet so far....

05-02-06, 19:34
just wondered how it was all going
