View Full Version : hey

12-05-10, 23:47
i'm so relieved to hear i'm not alone and hav others who hav had similar problems. My problems started 5 years ago with a massive panic attack that lasted a good few hours and suffered from them for a couple of years and still get the odd one evry so often. now even a few years later it seems i am fighting a losin battle. its my sleep thats the main problem at the moment it feels like my body is throbbing and can only seem to sleep on my right side because on my back or left side my palpatations seem more prominent. i used to be on citaloprams but thought i was getting better so stopped them about a year or so ago and just recently started a course of beta blockers (10mg propranolol) i've been on them for about a week but i cant say they r helping much. anyone got any good advise? thx

12-05-10, 23:50
Hi Nezz76

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes