View Full Version : I't not sure anymore. I need help

12-05-10, 23:49
So I have been having a horrible past couple days. It started with floaters in my eyes. I have so many and it is starting to really scare me. I went to the optometrist. They dialated my eyes, checked and said that everything was normal. Then went to the Opthamolagist to get a second opinion. They checked said everything was normal and not to worry. They are annoying but trying to ignore them now. This was last week. Kind of over it now. I had to give a speech in my public speaking class on Monday. I was a basket full of nerves but made it through ok. Now the scary part. I was at work yesterday. I was going to the bathroom when all the sudden I felt super light headed. So I washed up and went to my desk. Then panic set it. I just left. I drove in the oposite direction of my house becasue the traffic on the free way so horrible. I parked in a parking lot at a hotel and walked around the hotel like 10 times. I felt like I was going to fall over and pass out or faint. I was shaking, my heart was pounding so hard it almost hurt, I could not take full breaths and I felt like I was going to die and no one would find me. SO I called my parents they came to pick me up and took me home. Now I cant even get in the car and drive without having this feeling like I'm going to pass out. I cant stop thinking about it and I am very scared. Someone please tell me this is normal!!! Im also having headaches in one eye that feels connected to the back of my neck and sholder sometimes both sides. for almost two weeks, ever since the floaters started. Is this tension or something bad? I need some reasureance!!! :wall:

Rachel W
13-05-10, 00:05
I don't know, but I have had a lot of floaters lately, after I started worrying about them. I have heard that anxiety can increase them but I do not know why this would happen. I have also been seeing my heart beat in my eyes also. I have been stressing so much over the past two years.
I also think that light headedness is also a sign of anxiety. I have actually been feeling that I am suddenly going to pass out or go blind, although neither has happened. I know how scary these feelings can be.

Take Care.


13-05-10, 00:06
Hi there, sorry to hear your having such a horrible time. I suffer from all the symptoms you do and it is defnitely down to lots and lots of tension. I get it all in my shoulders and it travels upto my head and eyes, sometimes even my chest, neck and jaw. I also get the eye floaters which as you say are extremely firightening, but i know now that they are just associated with the tension and try not to worry about it them too much. I also suffer from the light headiness and constant off balance feeling, this can be down to too much tension in the neck area, it really is crazy how many symptoms can come out of tension, sometimes i just feel plain wierd and it can affect my walking too. I know it's hard but just try to relax, nothing bad is going to happen to you, and the more you think about it the more tense you get. please don't worry, you are going to fine.
