View Full Version : new poster

13-05-10, 01:00
Hello, new person here, have viewed this site for years and finally decided to add some posts, find some of the current info/advise terrible and some excellent.
By the way i am a qualified CBT therapist and treat anxiety disorders and panic on a daily basis.

13-05-10, 01:02
Hi thetube82

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

13-05-10, 08:03
Hiya the thetube82.. looking forward to reading your posts .. thats great that your a qualified CBT too ! i was free from agoraphobia for 4 years .. sadly it returned last week after a full blown panic attack .. im sort of beating myself up at mo as i set my self a task this morning , felt the attack coming on and run away from and avoided what i set out to achieve. anyway nice to see you on the forum .. all the best Antonio

13-05-10, 12:34
Hi there thetube82,

You will wish you had not posted that you are a qualified CBT therapist as you are bound to be bombarded with questions....including me.

My GP has reffered me for some concelling/CBT and I wondered what CBT actually does? I have suffered anxiety/depression on and off for around 11 years now.

I find that I am at my worst on waking...its just there...these awful feelings like everything is horrible...can you relate to that? And why would this happen when the previous night I have gone off to bed feeling absolutely normal...just cannot get my head around it. I have tried reading Clare Weekes books on accepting and think by just getting up and getting myself to work I am accepting but clearly I am not or I still would not be feeling like it.

Any advice/help would be so appreciated as at the moment I am at the end of my tether with it all and feel I am going mad!!!


13-05-10, 18:22
Hi and :welcome:

If you could elaborate on which bits of advise are terrible and/or good that would be most helpful


13-05-10, 23:03
wow all, thanks for the welcome, i hope my future advice is useful.

Antonio, it was a blip, a slight setback, keep setting the daily tasks and face them.....never run from a bully (anxiety).

JT, wow 'what is CBT', well there is loads of info on the web about it so i wont go on too much, in a nutshell its where you and a therapist work together to identify and 'modify' unhelpful or unbalanced thoughts (cognitive) and the unhelpful things you may do (behaviour), for example you close your post with the thought/belief....'I am at the end of my tether with it all and feel I am going mad!!!'.....when infact, panic and anxiety dont cause 'madness', therefore we modified that unhelpful belief......oh, and keep pushing your GP for some 1:1 work.

Nomorepanic, sorry i could not comment on the good and bad things i've read on the site, there is simply too much of both!!.....you will get a feel for what i support through my posts, basically i like the posts that encourage people to face (or dare i say) try to have more panic attacks, and dislike the advice that encourages people to try and stop panic attacks......my biggest bug though is people buying rubbish 'cures' or paying for certain psychological interventions claiming to 'cure', erm....rant over!

That was a long post eh?!


14-05-10, 00:10
Ok so you meant posts on the forum not the webiste advice then?

I do not control the forum posts as such. People are allowed their own opinion on things but I do write and control the website content.

We do not promote the miracle cures on here I assure you lol. Any posts about those are removed.

Going home
14-05-10, 01:36
And don't we all love a know it all :noangel: lets see your qualifications then :D

Personally I think its great to have 'professional' advice, but be careful of 'dissing' the forum...you might get a bit of a backlash from the members its saved, and why have you waited years to introduce yourself?


14-05-10, 05:19
I don't think that the op was dissing the forum.
We all know that the so called 'cures' that are out there are crap and as far as facing your fears, isn't that part of living with anxiety/panic?
We face fears (and conquer many of them) regularly when dealing with anxiety. When we avoid places or situations that cause anxiety symptoms don't we give in to the anxiety and thus give it more power over our lives?

I look forward to reading the op's posts after all sharing knowledge and support is what this site is based on.

14-05-10, 10:01
Nichola, yeah in general i meant some of the posts on the forums, but i suppose everyone to their own opinions. Will be wary of what i say now though!!

Anna, sorry if it sounds like i'm going to start dissing the forums, i am not, i will however try to give a reasoned opinion to some posts, which will probably upset some as all opinions do that to someone! Dunno why i waited years to post to be honest, never really joined internet forums before. The request of 'lets see your qualifications then', how can i do that?.....if it makes you feel better i could run them passed an administrator as long as the info remaind confidential.

Sandy,..... 'When we avoid places or situations that cause anxiety symptoms don't we give in to the anxiety and thus give it more power over our lives?', with great advice like that do i really need to post?!


14-05-10, 10:16
Hi Thetube82,

Welcome aboard, hopefully you'll be putting as much effort into helping people that are struggling/looking for advice as you are on this intro. I think the qualifications thingy was meant to be taken light heartedly, you know a joke lol.

take care .. andrew

14-05-10, 18:41
Thetube - that's good that it is forum posts and not the website pages then lol.

Please feel free to PM me your personal details etc and I assure you they will not be passed on to anyone.