View Full Version : Weird feeling in back of throat... am i ill?!

13-05-10, 09:17
Hi guys,

Didnt know where to post this so thought id try it in this forum..
Iv got a really weird feeling at the back of my throat.. its hard to describe, its as though i have a lot of flem or fluid at the back.. and its a tingly feeling.. very strange and im sorry if my description is rubbish lol
Im emetophobic (fear of vomiting) and im so scared incase im ill and going to be sick... i keep telling myself its in my throat, not my stomach but its such a weird feeling (i also have a huge health anxiety - so this really is freeking me out)

Has anyone else had this before??? Im about to leave for work and have to drive to Matlock - about an hour away and then be at work all day and im so scared incase im ill!!

Please help, thankyou x

13-05-10, 11:50
Im having a throat issue since yesterday afternoon. It feels like the soft palate at back of roof of mouth is swollen but it isnt. Also have nasal congestion so it could be something to do with that. I think throat issues are fairly common with HA though.