View Full Version : one side?

13-05-10, 09:47
Can anxiety cause one sided aches? I am getting aches and pains but just on my left.One day its my boob next day its my side next day its my arm and next my hip or leg and even headache on left.If it was a specific organ it wouldnt be in different parts would it?

13-05-10, 10:03
Over the past few weeks I have had pain in my left side, I have put it down to anxeity.xxxxx

13-05-10, 12:59
Anyone else like this?

13-05-10, 14:06
I get pain in my jaw arm head and legs all down the left side x

13-05-10, 14:14
i just posted about leg cramps - all that is down left side:ohmy:

13-05-10, 18:51
2 weeks ago i started aching own one side. Spots started to appear on waist line very painful and it turned out to be shingles as a result of feeling run down. I should nt worry because when you are feeling low you start thinking all sorts and random pains do come and go because of it. keep your head up and try and think positive.