View Full Version : Anyone else fear fainting? Lightheaded but normal breathing?

13-05-10, 11:32
Hi i have been feeling lightheaded off and on for the past 2 hours and feel like i might faint and i am trying to take deep breaths but i feel that I cannot seem to breathe deep enough and feeling a little nauseas. i think ive felt this occasionally in the past but since i'm freaking out about it now, my mind tells me it's different this time. Anyway im not breathing too quickly and my breathing was normal when i first felt lightheaded and i was not anxious until after i got the lightheadedness. my blood pressure is normal 110/70. how can this be anxiety if i am not anxious until after i feel this way. i get anxious everytime i get symptoms of feeling unwell, health anx.

anyone else share these symptoms or feeling? i'm getting sick of every symptom being diagonsed as anxiety when it can very well be a symptom of a genuine physical illness that requires treatment or medication.

pls help me.

13-05-10, 11:40

I am feeling this way right now... don't know why, my anxiety has been at bay for about 5 weeks now, so not that! Have you eaten? Sometimes i get a bit shaky and lightheaded when i need sugar!!

Anxiety lies dormant and although you don't feel anxious, you may still be tense and your body is in fight mode!!

Maybe it would be good to keep busy, i know everyone says that but still, go do something which will take your mind of it and before you know it it will have passed. Mine is passing as we speak.

Hope this helps x

13-05-10, 11:50
thanks for the response. ive eaten during the lightheaded phase and no change so i don't think it's a blood sugar issue. i keep reading that doctors always misdiagnose uncommon illnesses and think it's anxiety.

13-05-10, 12:30
That feeling of not getting a full lung of air is actually because you are over breathing, I get it ALL the time!
Because you are over breathing you feel faint, I know your not aware your doing it and your nor hyperventilating but trust me you are overbreathing.
Are you mouth breathing? The way I've overcome this is to breathe through my nose at all times and make sure I exhale longer than I inhale, it feels very uncomfortable at first and you panic that you can't breathe but after a few breaths you blood gases normalise and your body has to relax it's a natural response.
Hope this helped x

13-05-10, 12:34

I am 4months pregnant and i have these episodes quite regularly, usually if im a busy place. I started to go dizzy, hot n shaky and then think im going to faint and its espically scary as i always have my toddler with me. I haven't actually fainted but the thought of it when im having a funny turn then causes me to panic - my chest goes tight n my face tingles - horrible experience. Gp and my midwife told me its probably hormones because my blood tests were ok... But i don't know. I think it could be a bit of both in my case hormones and my anxiety.

Pop and see your gp if your worried they will put your mind at rest x