View Full Version : severe cramp in leg

13-05-10, 13:54
hi i have been thro a really bad 10 months - obviously stress levels have been thro the roof:blush:
Hubby came out of hospital yesterday:yesyes: and last night i did not sleep very well - then i got a very severe leg cramp about 5am (do not usualy suffer from this) but the residue of pain is in my left leg / left arm / across my tummy and across my shoulders.
i feel so panicky - what if i am ill now when he is depending on me???:weep:
Logically i suppose it is down to stress etc
Just so scared.
Has anyone else had this ?
best wishes

13-05-10, 18:51
i can never understand why not one person will answer - just a hug would have done.
BUT to be ignored is sooo sad.

13-05-10, 19:50
Hello June :bighug1:,

I am sorry you have been having a really stressful time, and I hope all goes well for your husband.

I have had really bad cramp in my calf muscle, which has left it with a bruised feeeling, so I think it is very likely the severe cramp you had has caused the tenderness you are feeling - it can be sheer agony when you get really bad cramp, you could have pulled other muscles at the same time.

13-05-10, 19:56
Hi June,

Big hugs, I've only just seen your post.

Hope you are feeling a little better.

I usually get cramp in my legs during the early hours when I have not drunk enough fluids or have been drinking alcohol. I also suffer with very bad aches in my left leg and left arm when I have bad anxiety which makes me feel quite unwell it affects me across my chest and shoulders and my muscles feel so tense that I can feel them clicking.

I usually have lots of lovely hot baths and drink lots of fluids and wait for the anxiety to run it's course.

Let me know how you are, you can always pm.

Take care

Junie7 xxx

13-05-10, 20:01
Aww sorry you were left worrying all afternoon with no replies.
Hope youre feeling better now

14-05-10, 14:42
Hi June,

Big hugs, I've only just seen your post.

Hope you are feeling a little better.

I usually get cramp in my legs during the early hours when I have not drunk enough fluids or have been drinking alcohol. I also suffer with very bad aches in my left leg and left arm when I have bad anxiety which makes me feel quite unwell it affects me across my chest and shoulders and my muscles feel so tense that I can feel them clicking.

I usually have lots of lovely hot baths and drink lots of fluids and wait for the anxiety to run it's course.

Let me know how you are, you can always pm.

Take care

Junie7 xxx

Thank you for your replies - i am just feeling very lonely at the moment:weep:
I have marked part of Junie7's post in red - that is just what made me soooo fearful. Cramp in the left leg is cramp in the left leg BUT to affect left arm, chest and shoulders. :ohmy::ohmy: WELL you all know what i mean = PANIC.
Thank you for your help
best wishes

31-05-10, 20:17
I had leg cramp last night at about the same time. OWWWW. My back and leg are really achy now...bizarre. Interesting words there about alcohol and such, as that day I drunk a load of fizzy wine, and was unaffected (unlike some other family members). Alcohol seems to attack me at night.
Sorry, getting off subject again.
Work on getting that stress down. Have some me time..or you time...yeah.
Lots of hugs.

31-05-10, 20:58
Hi June
Just wondering have you suffered from some kind of back or neck pain previously to this?

If so it might be whats called Sciatica which is basically an irritation of the long nerves linked to the spinal cord.

I used to get this all the time, stress was causing tension and that and bad posture lead to back problems and these can lead to pain/numbness in the arms and legs.

Thankfully This is Not usually a serious or long term condition and can be easily treated. So its not a major health worry, though it is incredibly distressing.

I would recommend reading "treat your own back" and or "treat your own neck" by Robin Mckenzie (you can get them off amazon for a few quid) in the mean time I would see your GP or a Physiotherapist or even an osteopath for a diagnosis.

Hope you feel better soon