View Full Version : Health Insurance

13-05-10, 14:15
I'm just wondering how many of us have health insurance, I have just recently got mine, its part health anxiety part keeping myself protected.

What are your views, and if you have it would you be without it?

13-05-10, 14:46
I have mine through work and never used it until this year. Thank god I have it, it`s been great for me. My mrs swears by the NHS but from my experiences this year I believe it to be an utter shambles / disgrace to the fact I do not believe what the NHS Dr says to me, though I emphasise this is my personal opion.

13-05-10, 18:53
I did have it the year before last when I was ill. My partner got it through work so only had to pay the tax on it (the company have since cancelled the policies).

It was useful to get quick appointments but when I was really ill with Crohn's I was told to stay under NHS care and not go private as I would get much better care that way.

The good thing was that for every night you stay in an NHS hospital the private health care company give you £100 (you may need to check this is true for your policy). So when I was ill I got the maximum payout of £5,000 - not bad eh?

13-05-10, 19:44
Blimey Nic that's sounds like a pretty good deal to me. I never heard of that.

09-06-10, 17:10
I used to have it through hubby's work but he changed jobs so havent got it any more. It was great though, especially as I didnt have to wait for ever for appointments which to me is the worst thing about anxiety, the waiting and the worrying. Anyway, at least we have the NHS despite all its problems.

09-06-10, 17:20
I have health insurance and would always have it. Although, i do work in the NHS and we all work are socks off to give the best care possible but unfortunately sometimes the resources are not their and that is the governments fault. On saying that, people always complain about the NHS but it doesnt stop people coming to A&E with a cold!!!! Im sure if they had to pay for the service they wouldnt be using the facilities so unecessarily

09-06-10, 17:36
I had health insurance for 20yrs until it was cancelled by my ex husband during our divorce 4yrs ago & only used it once.

Since then I have had 18mths off sick due to PTSD & it has been necessary for me to pay for therapy with a private psychologist. Oh, how I wish I still had my insurance, weekly apps for the last 16mths soon adds up at £100 per hr!

Unfortunately now I can't get health insurance unless I until I've gone 2yrs without treatment, which I don't see happening at the moment. If you already have insurance keep paying it you never know when you might need it. Hopefully never but..............!

09-06-10, 20:35
My hubby changed job and he had us both covered on a work policy. His new company only adds employee to the insurance so ive got my own now. It doesnt though include anxiety related issues as it was too expensive to add that.