View Full Version : Why oh why??

13-05-10, 14:47
This is about some female issues – so guys bear with me for a minute. A little background – my periods have been wacky for the past two years; long, short, heavy, light – etc… January 09’ I went through all the testing, ultra sound, biopsy etc…all came back fine. And I think they did those for preventive measures not because they though something terrible was wrong (not what my brain thinks though). I am going through a long period right now, went into the Dr. She has referred me to a Gyno for a consultation – I am going in about 4 weeks. My Dr. didn’t seem too worried. Now I might add that I am 42 and part of me knows this is just hormones and my body changing.

So this is my question – why on earth can I NOT take my own advice. A coworker just came to me and said she is going to be out for 4-6 weeks as she has a cyst on her ovary that her Dr. thinks is suspicious and is going to remove both ovaries (she went through a ton of testing). I sat there and told her very firmly that the chance of anything being wrong and very small and she should think positive. Why can’t I do that? :lac: I can tell everyone else to stay calm and talk them through just about anything. But when it comes to me – my anxiety always gets the best of me – what gives?? :wacko:

13-05-10, 15:19
hi barbn im also very good at telling people not to the neg . we anxiety suffers do think so neg and i know that posative self talk works for me at times .maybe if you tell yourself all is well it will take you anx levels down .what you are going through is the joys off being a women . shaka