View Full Version : plz plz stop

minnie h
13-05-10, 15:20
i really feel like i cnt breath properly like i have 2 keep takin massive breaths in,like a breathless feeling.my legs r wobbly n my hands r sweating.im going 2 die rnt i? : (

13-05-10, 15:28
hi minne h You are not going to die ive been where you are meny times and beleave me you are not dieing . you are over breathing try slowing your breathing down i know its hard but it will work :hugs:shaka

13-05-10, 15:56
I have had this for the last couple of weeks with palpitations and ectopic heartbeats too - it is purely anxiety!! TRy slowing your breathing down and breathing just through your nose.

I know it is a horrible symptom of anxiety but it won't hurt you. x

13-05-10, 19:14

This may sound silly but try singing, as singing regulates our breathing and we can no hyperventilate when we sing, also it relaxes the chest muscles.

13-05-10, 20:57
I don't know how many times you've had this, but eventually you can learn to just ride it out, even to the point when you can start laughing when you begin feeling like you're having a panic attack, you just need to remember you ARE having a panic attack and in no possible way can it physically harm you. Otherwise, if you're looking for a quick fix try splashing cold water on your face as this tricks the brain into activating the dive reflex, which steadies the heart rate and slows down breathing.

EDIT: I guess this is probably a few hours too late.

minnie h
13-05-10, 22:22
thanks for ur replys guys.i i am calmer.just keep getin this really horrible feelin that its guna happen again.it woz so so awful.felt like i woz gasping 4 breath n it lastd nearly 2 hrs,but i didnt av my usual panic attack symptoms witch woz scary ( that sounds weird i no haha) hanna x x