View Full Version : Tierd and no energy

Rick Loader
13-05-10, 19:35
Hi all ,

Hope you can help me.... I just wondering does anyone suffer with feeling tierd all the time with no energy and eyes feel really heavy and strained?

Thanks help would be appriciated :D


13-05-10, 20:37
All the time - I think it has something to do for me - not eating enough (have lost a lot of weight) and the anxiety that you have all day wears you out.

13-05-10, 20:48
Yeah me too Im constantly shattered. Its just the constant strain anxiety puts on your body knackering you out. Plus I have the craziest dreams at the mo cos of the escitalopram Im taking so I wake up tired! Just try and rest as much as you can.

Rick Loader
13-05-10, 21:03
i get enough sleep just have that unreal feeling and feel so tierd every day and i just feel like i have no energy to talk or any patience :(

13-05-10, 22:17
Do you actually get any proper physical exercise though? It can actually energise you rather than make you more tired. Even just a 30 minute brisk walk daily will help your energy levels. Stick on some favourite toones on the ipod and get out in the sunshine :o)

13-05-10, 22:17
Yes I feel exhausted and sleepy no matter how much sleep I get. If I don't get at least 8 or 9 hours sleep I feel sick and shivery and feverish and awful. I get tired so easily, it is really frustrating and actually makes me more anxious and depressed because I think I am developing ME, like my sister has :(

13-05-10, 23:45
Yes, I acutally posted something similar the other day cause I was worried.

Only started feeling like that this week.
Eyes feeling straining with some neck tension etc ... in regards to my body and how that feels it feels good and awake but it is my head and eyes that just want to shut up shop and sleep. :(

Rick Loader
14-05-10, 00:10
thanks for all your replys and no i do no physical exercise which obviously you need and also i dont really eat the most healthy of diet. :( I am still skiny not over weight but just eat junk all the time :(

14-05-10, 00:18
I do physical exercise, I go to the gym a couple of times a week and I try to go for a walk of at least half an hour every day. But I still feel so exhausted, I walk down the stairs and feel like I want to lie down on the floor and go to sleep. I guess it is related to anxiety and depression. Anxiety does seem exhausting.

14-05-10, 00:51
Yep I feel the same! Depression can also do that to you....hard to sleep but then you do not want to get up ever. Healthy diet and exercise and I find sunshine can help :)

25-05-10, 11:38
i get enough sleep just have that unreal feeling and feel so tierd every day and i just feel like i have no energy to talk or any patience :(

that sums me up perfectly