View Full Version : Eustachean tube

13-05-10, 21:16
I have nasal congestion/sinus probs every so often and this always seems to be accompanied by shoulder and neck tension.

Recently have had ears crackling,popping, echoey type of nasal sound. Yesterday had a sudden sharp pain running from inside left ear to back of throat. It went away after a few seconds. Has anyone had this and is it the eustachean tube maybe ?.. Also the tension in my neck is so bad at times that the muscles side of neck redden.This goes when the tension subsides.

13-05-10, 22:33
The chicken and egg saying comes to mind here. YOur neck can cause your symptoms but then again your sinus/ear trouble can cause your neck to ache!!

I would get your ears checked out at Drs to make sure you don't have any infection or catarrh behind ear drum - dr's can see this when they look in your ear.

Try sniffing steam to unblock your sinuses and tubes- the echoey hearing does sound like e tube partially blocked so steam could help.

Have you been to Dr with this yet??

13-05-10, 22:44
I have had the exact pain you are talking about!! I also have clicking whenever I swallow and have neck and shoulder tension. I also have a thyroid problem and my thyroid is swollen so that whole area is just a bit of a mess lol.

I don't think it is anything to worry about anyway but get your doctor to have a look at your ears anyway.

I am going to try steaming with some vicks to unblock everything.

Kirst xx

14-05-10, 08:14
I went to docs about my ears back in March and when he listened to my other symptoms he said "anxiety"..Also did fbc and tests came back really good.
Thing is, 10 years ago my anxiety started with exact same symptoms and they told me to steam then.. It took 7 months to get over the anxiety.
I tried using olbas oil which makes my ears sound echoey and watery secretion nose but the down side was that also made me feel whoozy..

14-05-10, 17:29
ok I have TMG the jaw joint is dislocated or something and causes headaches and facial pain ... the dentist asked me if I have a weird cllicking in my throat when I swallow, yes I do, he said the eustachean tube had something to do with it AND, if you slouch at the computer with your head leaning forward, the sinuses become blocked, much like when you lie down, if you sit up straight the tube drains easily. My ears also sound like something is in them and they ache sometimes.

I get terrible neck and shoulder tension too. So this can cause anxiety? Please reply, I have terrible anxiety.

14-05-10, 20:43
I have very bad neck and shoulder tension as well. For the past 10 years the sinus/ear thing has been accompanied by shoulder tension. When one clears the other one does and I think they are related to each other from what ive read.