View Full Version : This pain hurts so much.

13-05-10, 22:37
I am so sick of the pain im having to put up with. Afew weeks ago i went to my doctors due to having blood and mucus in my stools. I have been refered for a colonoscopy and still waiting to hear. Then just after that i started with severe back ache, so off i went to the doctors again and he said he didnt think the back pain was associated with the blood and mucus. So off i went and just put up with the pain, but its getting alot worse. Its spread into the top of my legs (more round the front of my legs) and into my buttocks. It kind of feels like period pain, or like i need a poo all the time.. Please im going insane with this. Im convinced im dying, iv even told my partner if i die i want to be buried with my dad :(
Im 24 and i dont want to be like this. What if i have bowel cancer? Or a tumor? Or something that will completley change my life. I have a 4 year old and i just couldnt leave her behind. I have been like this constantly for 3 weeks. I am in total pain. I went to the hospital last night and he sent me home:(

13-05-10, 22:41
It could just be irritable bowel - I can get bad cramps from those - even in the front of my legs.

13-05-10, 22:45
Can the pain feel this bad though with ibs? I mean if i had to give a mark out of 10 i would say a 7 and half. Its hurting to the point where im crying with it :(.... Do u think the pain is associated with the blood and mucus?

13-05-10, 22:58

Im sorry you are having such a hard time. I also had blood in my stools and bad cramps that went into my legs. It turned out to be a form of colitis which is abit rubbish but far from life threatening. I should think the majority of people on this site have stomach problems as anxiety aggravates the bowel. Please don't think you have bowel cancer as at your age the chances are extremely slim. I am sure that when you get your results the doctor will sort you out and you will be fine. Try to relax, i know this is hard but it's the best thing for stomach problems as tension can make the pain worse. Maybe a soothing hot bath or a hottie? It may all turn out to be irritable bowel. this is extremely common amongst anxiety sufferes and at times can cause blood in the stool.

Try not to worry, you are not going to die.


13-05-10, 23:07
Thanks Natty! I wish i could relax but it hurts to much. All the pain has gone into my abdominal, near my ovaries and its hurting badly :(

13-05-10, 23:15
I wonder if it's more a pelvic problem than bowel, do you have any problems with your periods? My friend suffers with endometriosis and her symptoms sound just like hers. It worth a thought if your bowel results come back clear. Have you tried taking ibrofen, or does nothing ease the pain?

14-05-10, 00:07
hi sammie23 at your age the chance of bowel cancer is extremely low. obviously not being a doctor i cant say what it is but the colonoscopy will. It may be inflammatory bowel disease like crohns or ulcerative colitis. Has the doctor discussed this with you.
I have crohns by the way. also both crohns and ulcerative colitis can be treated effectively. chin up all the best and dont worry that it is cancer because that is highly unlikely.