View Full Version : Scared -- please respond.

13-05-10, 22:54
I just got home and noticed two tiny blotches on my forehead -- one near the middle and one at the side.
They're not spots as they're not raised or lumpy and I'm terrified it could be leukaemia or meningitis.
They don't itch or anything, but they just sort of appeared.
What should I do?

13-05-10, 23:02
Try pressing a glass against them, if they disappear (go white like the rest of the pressed skin) it's not a meningitis rash.

13-05-10, 23:04

I think the thing to do is not to panic. I very much doubt that a few red patches on your forehead are of a serious nature. Ignore them and they will just go away. trust me.


13-05-10, 23:08
^ This too.

A few months back I jumped at every read mark on my body, thinking either leukaemia or menigitis. All of them were neither. My Dad at the moment has developed a red dot on the centre of his forehead, he's had it for weeks and he's still the same bloody-minded sod as ever.

13-05-10, 23:10
I just tried the glass thing, but cudn't make out whether they disappeared...just worrying myself more now. I'm shaking.

13-05-10, 23:23
Take a few breaths and calm down. Nothing bad is going to happen to you because of a few red patches. Try to stop thinking about them and focus on something else. I have health anxiety too and it's a complete pain as i worry myself to death with everything too, but i am starting to laugh at myself now. People get patches on there faces all the time, and a person without HA wouldn't even batter an eyelid. Please try to relax, you are going to be fine.


13-05-10, 23:27
Get yourself a glass of water or a nice cup of tea, and try and breathe, and concentrate just on your breathing. You're not going to die. How do I know this? I and pretty much everyone here has been in your situation. Again, you aren't going to die. Currently you're in a state of high irrationality, it will subside very soon.

As for the glass thing, the fact you can't tell easily is probably a good thing, otherwise it would be a red dot/rash in an area of white. If possible, try and get someone else to do it for you. You may feel foolish, but I think it's worth it for some peace of mind. But again, don't panic.

13-05-10, 23:45
It's only two tiny small dots on the middle of my forehead and at the side.
I don't think it's meningitis cos I dont have a headache nor a stiff neck and no aversion to light.
And I don't feel ill apart from my anxiety which is causing shaking.
It's just weird that they've just appeared from nowhere.

13-05-10, 23:56
Yup, maybe a slight allergic reaction or something at the worst. Try taking some benadryl, or some other antihistamine like that (more out of curiosity than anything else). But apart from that it's definitely nothing to worry about. Have a good night.

Going home
14-05-10, 00:09
Hi Cantonking, are you saying that your skin is normally absolutely perfect and blemish-free that these two spots make you freak out so much? By this i mean that my skin is full of freckles and moles, blotches and bumps (i'm not ugly honest :blush:) that I doubt i'd even notice two more! I think if you had leukemia or meningitis you'd have a bit more going on than two small spots.

Try not to worry, you'll be fine.

Anna xx

14-05-10, 00:11
Thanks for replying.
They're not spots...because they're not raised.
Just two little tiny marks that have appeared from nowhere, but in different positions on my forehead x

Going home
14-05-10, 00:13
Sorry, not raised spots then but small flat dots? Ok, again, not leukemia or meningitis.

Anna xx

14-05-10, 00:14
Yeah, small flat dots...I heard leukaemia could begin with red dots...

Going home
14-05-10, 00:17
No sorry, I didn't know about this association with leukemia...you could always ask your doc?

Anna xx

14-05-10, 06:07
Neither would have just the symptom of two flat spots on your forehead.
If they don't itch or hurt, they aren't raised, and aren't spreading then I would say they are just run of the mill spots that will go away on their own.
Try not to worry hun.