View Full Version : help pretty pretty please and im new on here

13-05-10, 23:31
why do i have trouble breathing>??? pleae help and why do i think about my breathing 24/7??? and lately i been goin to sleep at 3a.m for like 3weeks straight and i wake up at like 8

Going home
13-05-10, 23:42
Hello bryan and welcome to nmp. Sounds like you're in a high state of anxiety and concentrating on your breathing will only make that feeling worse. You say 24/7 but you also say that you sleep from 3am to 8am...thats 5 hours sleep, and your body keeps on breathing. The more you try to control it for yourself, the more it will feel like you're not breathing right. You can take some deep breaths to help stabilise it, because you're probably overbreathing with all the anxiety, but sometimes this can make us feel light-headed, a normal reaction.

If your breathing is an issue then there are breathing exercises you can do to bring it under your own contol more. But ultimately you need to let go and let your body do its own breathing, it will if you let it, as when you're asleep.


13-05-10, 23:51
As I said in the otheer thread, try and occupy yourself (I've personally started taking up Kite flying), and as Going home said, your body doesn't stop breathing when you're asleep. Hell, even if you held your breath on purpose to the point where you nearly passed out, even then you couldn't die as your body would naturally start to breathe by itself. We've evolved to have these fail-safe's within us, that's why you do most of your breathing (when you're not concentrating on it) sub-conciously, it's also why we don't have to make a concious effort to make our heart pump blood around the body, because to do so would be an extremely difficult task.

Going home
13-05-10, 23:55
Kite flying...cool :)

14-05-10, 00:10
Cheers, I highly recommend it. You don't really get a chance to dwell on any symptoms you might have, it gets you outdoors, get's you working the muscles a fair bit, and damn it! Kites are fun! Even crappy home-made ones, everyone likes a Kite.