View Full Version : Difficulty with temperature regulation

13-05-10, 23:41
I suffer from GAD and depression. I had a breakdown about 6 months ago and my GP put me on Sertraline, I'm now on 100mg and it seems to be helping. I also take lansoprazole for GERD and mebeverine for IBS and sometimes amitriptyline to help me sleep. I have more energy than I did at my worst points and I am less anxious on the whole and less depressed. I need a lot of sleep though and I get tired easily.

These last few months it seems as though I just can't be a comfortable temperature. I will feel too hot but I'll experience shivers. I bought a thermometer for my room and found that I can only sleep when the temperature is around 17 degrees celsius, which is lower than a normal room temperature. Sometimes I feel freezing cold and shivery and need to hug a radiator or a hot water bottle, then a few minutes later I'll feel far too hot and will need some fresh air. I didn't used to be like this, I didn't used to feel the cold much. I just can't find a comfortable temperature. Has anyone else experienced this, with anxiety or medication or for any other reason?

Going home
13-05-10, 23:50
Hi there unspoken

Well you don't tell us your age but the body temperature problem happens in this way leading up to and during the menopause, i'm always opening and closing windows or throwing off bed covers then freezing when I do! but if its not the menopause then could it be the meds you take do you think? Also, a bedroom temperature of 17 degrees C is way too warm to sleep comfortably, bearing in mind that this is indoors, in bed, nightie on and bed covers! I hope you have a window open. I'm happy if we get that temp outside never mind inside :D

Anna xxx

14-05-10, 00:14
Hi, I'm 21, so I doubt it's the menopause! But I feel old healthwise generally. People my age shouldn't be on this amount of medication, and I have to take life very slowly or else I can't cope :(

I do have a window open. I recently swapped my duvet cover for a thinner summer one. I find I feel too cold then too hot then both at once somehow when I'm walking around the house or outside :huh: it is very confusing. Maybe it is the meds though. Thanks for the reply :)

14-05-10, 01:17
I think it's the combination of meds you're on tbh. Amitriptyline plays around with noradrenaline and sertraline with serotonin and dopamine on top of the mebeverine and lansoprazole... So don't worry about it being anything serious. It's just the price we pay for being on meds - I take 3 different kinds everyday so you're not alone!

I go sauna every week at my gym and getting used to having cold showers after a hot sauna builds up your tolerance to fluctuations in temperature.

14-05-10, 03:20
Hi unspoken
Your lack of temperature control could be due to your anxiety & depression. when our bodies are put under such stress as you have been under it tends to show in us physically.
When my anxiety was at its worse I spend most of my time attached to a hot water bottle & had my heating on all through the summer. Now I've had therapy my physical symptoms are gradually improving but if I having a bad day the first sign is a change in my temp, hot when anxious, cold when depressed. My psych recommended I buy an electric blanket for when I'm feeling down, its very comforting & helps me to relax.