View Full Version : Sleep Apnoea - worried

14-05-10, 11:02
I have convinced myself I have sleep apnoea.

I am always tired when I wake up (though I do have 3 x kids under 4.5!) and sometimes I feel like I am suffocating when I am trying to go to sleep and jolt myself awake.

So now I have been worrying all day that I have it - but think its a stupid thing to rock up to the doctors and announce:doh:

14-05-10, 11:10
You might be holding your breathe just as you drift off.
When I went onto citalopram years ago I would have this every time I tried to sleep. My mum had to sit next to me and try and relax me into sleeping because just as I would drift off I would wake up and gasp for air as if someone had put a pillow over me.
Try doing some relaxation techniques before you go to sleep.
I would also book a doctors appointment if this continues as its better to be safe.

Rachel W
15-05-10, 00:58
It is stupid of me but my boyfriend told me that I do have it, but it goes when I lose weight and have not had it checked as he told me it wasn't happening anymore. I do seem to get what Vixxy was talking about though, but only recently and it has also passed.

One thing though is you usually are not aware of SA so the suffocating would not indicate that and tired with kids is normal I am sure.

15-05-10, 13:11
Yeah Vixxy - that is how I feel like someone has put a pillow on my face.

And thanks Rachel!

My husband has told me I don't normally snore - and I am sure I read that most people with SA snore so I hope this is right!

15-05-10, 15:17
I have a form of sleep apnea, I don't snore but I hold my breath. I think most people with sleep apnea forget to breathe in, for me I forget to breathe out. So the mask they give to people with SA doesn't work for me. Its scary but I've lived with it for a number of years. Its absolutely worse when I am stressed and worried and almost non-existent when I am calm.

15-05-10, 15:49

Cell block H fan
15-05-10, 17:14
Have you got a partner? Only my ex had Sleep apnoea, & I knew it. Yours would know it too. He would stop breathing in his sleep for a good few seconds, then start up again. Worried me sick. Partners are usually the ones to give the most info so if you visit the doc you need to take them with you. He did have the tiredness symptom. But he could still function.
He was sent to a sleep clinic in the end.