View Full Version : Fear with vertigo attacks

14-05-10, 12:01
I have a medical problem - hernaited discs and arthritis in my neck that can give me sudden attacks of vertigo. I have had this for over 15 yrs so not as if its new! but the frequency of attacks varies enormously year to year. I have had a good year with only a handful of attacks but having moved house and been alot more sociable to make new friends in new area I have been overdoing it physically for the state of my neck and last week the sudden vertigo attacks came back. There is no warning I will turn my head, usually its going from left to centre or laughing when you move your head back and forward or when bending head down over a table for example and bang I get horrendous vertigo that means i have to hang onto something or even sit down suddenly - it usually only lasts a few seconds but is horrible and causes a huge surge in adrenalin.

I know its caused by irritated nerves in my neck sending confused signals to my inner ear - explained by a neurosurgeon years ago and my husband has arthritis in his neck and gets exact same trouble at times so its not uncommon.

My problem is that last time I was very bad about 10 yrs ago i ended up terified to go out - would not go out on my own and my social life went to near zilch. At that time I would get attacks every day for a couple of weeks then be okay vor a couple of months but would just be getting back to not constantly worriying about it when they would come back again.

I know loads of peope on here get dizziness because of anxiety so whatever its cause the symptoms are the same and am wondering how they cope with life with this symptom. My severe health anxiety does not help! as I worry that the attacks will become constant:weep:

One interesting thing is that a few days before my vertigo started again someone had asked me how I had been doing in past year with my dizziness and I said great much better :mad: I do wonder if this is what has triggered it off with me - barm pot that I am!