View Full Version : Ready for a nervous breakdown? Mind feels in melt down

14-05-10, 13:26
Can anybody help? I feel ready for a breakdown going to call for a doctors appointment next week now anyway but need some reassurance:

My symptoms:

Mind blanks, feel unreal.
Racing thoughts.
Trouble Sleeping.
Heart beat going fast.
Feel safe in the house.
No confidence.
Losing interest in things.
Appetite increase, decreases.
Very depressed, bleak view on life
Feel I can't cope.
Feel my mind is like a blanket and I duno what I'm doing, like I've lost my mind..or will loose it soon.
Life, can't cope being unemployed, anxious, no g.f for three years, sitting online most days.
Now been put on a New Deal course which made me feel so bad today.
Dull vision.
Moments of disorientation, everything sounding funny.
DVD, music, TV, relax tape not helping.
Fast walking.
Mind feels jumbled.
Weekends scare me, doctors closed so it's A&E id I hit breaking point.

Good news:

Don't feel I'll do anything bad just feel I need medication or a doctor.

My fear:

My mind is gone, won't get it back.
Not having a normal life.
Feel I'm making a fuss over nothing as other people have this situation.
You hear of people breaking down with not coping with life and being put away for a few weeks...how Likely am I to?

It started with anxiety last week and was given a weeks Diazepam felt great..first day or two off them and now I'm awful..

Anybody help..what will they do..is this the start of going mad? I've not felt this worked up about life before. I'm 21... :weep::wacko:anybody help?

I think it's stress, depression..but what do I do..will it make me go insane? I feel it now. Has anybody ever felt a "melt down" and a tense head and the symptoms I said and did you cope with it or go mad? :shrug:

To add it's just got me feeling so desperate after the new deal thing..all those people who don't want to work and I do..and all my efforts and all this talk of working for free..feel the mountain of stress is rising..driving test next week too!! I maybe just need to talk about it? Some advice on people who are older and have coped?

14-05-10, 13:36
Hi Phil,

In my opinion you are not going insane. Most people that do have no idea that they are going insane. I do think you are possibly depressed and have anxiety. I would make that doctor's appointment and if you can one for counseling of some sort. All of your symptoms are of depression and anxiety and I have had most of them myself. I completely understand how you are feeling right now. Try and distract yourself. For me warm baths or showers help. Smelling lavender, deep breathing, stay on a good diet, exercise as in go outside for a walk will help. You will get through this I promise. It helps to know that others have felt this way. You can also go into the chatroom and speak with other members too. I do hope you feel better soon and let us know how your appt. goes with the doctor. Remember if they change your meds it can take a few weeks for them to kick in. Best wishes.


14-05-10, 13:38
Hi Phil,

In my opinion you are not going insane. Most people that do have no idea that they are going insane. I do think you are possibly depressed and have anxiety. I would make that doctor's appointment and if you can one for counseling of some sort. All of your symptoms are of depression and anxiety and I have had most of them myself. I completely understand how you are feeling right now. Try and distract yourself. For me warm baths or showers help. Smelling lavender, deep breathing, stay on a good diet, exercise as in go outside for a walk will help. You will get through this I promise. It helps to know that others have felt this way. You can also go into the chatroom and speak with other members too. I do hope you feel better soon and let us know how your appt. goes with the doctor. Remember if they change your meds it can take a few weeks for them to kick in. Best wishes.


The chatroom worked me up more last week due to me keepm thinking about it...

I read a nervous breakdown is the point where you are no longer in control..am I having a mini one?

My had feels so tense..like I can't cope..and I feel why am I making such a fuss..? :shrug:

Say I am ready for a breakdown what can I do to cope...a walk is not helping and im not a fan of healthy food.. it's soo hard. :blush:

I'm defo down, and feel so nervy..can it be "self help" managed? When it hits my head I struggle to change thinking about it it's so intense.

14-05-10, 13:47
Hi Phil. I can relate.
I doubt youre having a breakdown, but you are going through a bad patch. You will come out of this and you will get better. Just keep telling yourself that.
Call up your doctors today and ask if they have any emergancy appointmens this afternoon that you can have. Make sure you tell them this is urgent, dont let them fob you off. Waiting until next week won't make anything better for you.

You arent making a fuss, feeling guilty is part of depression. Its ok to ask for help and its ok to admit that youre not doing well. Noone here will judge you for it. Everyone here has been through something similar.

You're not going mad and nor will you.

First step is to get medical treatment and slow down the downward spiral youre on. Then look at what caused this episode and see if you can fix the issues. CBT will probably be very beneficial to you.

Finally *hugs*. You will be ok, you just need to get past this blip!

14-05-10, 13:50
I also agree with Lauras suggestions on diet and exersize, but I completely understand that for you right now theyre not easy to do.
I know when I had my relapse at christmas I couldnt face going out the house to go for a walk even though I knew it might help me.
Do what you can to make yourself feel good and once youre strong enough start to add in all the things laura suggested to try and stop this happening again.

14-05-10, 13:56
Hello Phil,

I am sorry that you are feeling so rotten at the minute! I have been there, I think i am just coming out of it but very slowly and it is easy for me to slip back into the darkness!

What you are experiencing sounds like classic depression. Im sorry I don't mean to trivialise it but I just wanted to let you know that you aren't going mad. I can't offer too much advice as im still trying to figure it all out but I just wanted to let you know that you are not alone.

Take care xxx

14-05-10, 14:05
I've got an appointment for a week today...start this new deal on Monday and just feel like applying to EVERY job now :(

Worst case I can make an emergency on Monday but I feel more relaxed. I was on propranolol a few years ago they may calm the neves?

It's just all built up..nothing has really gone my way (any positives are small like I got a new xbox game)..after an hour of playing that I'm like..still feeling down, unemployed..I hope I'm not going mad.

I almost feel silly for letting it get me this way as there's prob lots of people like me out of work and no g.f hitting depression. I feel I've had to face how hard life can be, trying to tell myself it will get better..got a million thoughts in my head.

I'm more calm now talking about it just my mind is like racing a million miles per hour. "What do I do" "Do I take any job" "Any date" "When will this anxiety end" "how will others see the way I'm acting" "What if this goes on years doing nothing...". I'm still sane I think but feel all the pressure has me "tiering" on the brink of a break down as I feel so anxious. So my worry is I'll crack, scream out loud..? A switch will go in my mind and I'll not be me anymore?

This is how I deal with it...I keep saying I'll get I grip..I'm 21 and a man now but it's hard...miss good times and the present is a struggle...so I just feel... :doh::blush:

14-05-10, 14:10
Hi Phil. I can relate.
I doubt youre having a breakdown, but you are going through a bad patch. You will come out of this and you will get better. Just keep telling yourself that.
Call up your doctors today and ask if they have any emergancy appointmens this afternoon that you can have. Make sure you tell them this is urgent, dont let them fob you off. Waiting until next week won't make anything better for you.

You arent making a fuss, feeling guilty is part of depression. Its ok to ask for help and its ok to admit that youre not doing well. Noone here will judge you for it. Everyone here has been through something similar.

You're not going mad and nor will you.

First step is to get medical treatment and slow down the downward spiral youre on. Then look at what caused this episode and see if you can fix the issues. CBT will probably be very beneficial to you.

Finally *hugs*. You will be ok, you just need to get past this blip!

Thanks. I was so bad the other day I did get one that day and got those tablets.

So depression makes you feel this way? I once asked about CBT and there is a big waiting list seemingly..if your an adult. I don't think you can just go in and get it. I'm sure it costs money to go private with all these therapies...

Thinking of going to the Library for boobs for anx and depression again? My mum suggested reading..I hate reading though!

I just need to get on with it really..at points my mind calms down but today was a bad attack..felt so irritated and unrelaxed, worked up, felt I was going mad.

14-05-10, 14:42
Theres a book called CBT for dummies which is really good.
I was very lucky I was referred and had an app within 2 weeks for CBT from my GP. They've updated the system so that the turn around is a lot faster now. Make sure you ask for it, it really does help for intrusive thoughts. Which you seem to have a lot of!

14-05-10, 22:26
Hi Phil

As far as library books go, books written for people suffering from depression and/or anxiety tend to be quite easy to read as they recognise that you'll be lacking attention span. I found some useful books in my local library. My GP prescribed me one called Overcoming Low Self-Esteem which features some CBT techniques. At first I thought "why's she given me this? I don't think I have low self-esteem" but actually it seemed to fit how I think about myself and other things. There are a lot of books out there about anxiety and depression.

I just started CBT today, in a small group setting, 5 months after my GP first referring me. It is a bit of a lottery, it depends on your area, but you should definitely ask to be referred, nothing to lose.

I also don't think you're going mad. I have felt like that. It is a mix of anxiety and depression. You don't appear to have any psychosis. I think you are making yourself feel worse by worrying about the symptoms and the anxiety. It sounds really hard to do but accepting that you're not going mad and that anxiety and depression are causing the horrible symptoms will begin to help the anxiety. Definitely go to your GP when you can, take the list of symptoms that you have written here. A 'nervous breakdown' is a fairly vague term but it refers more to being unable to cope with your normal lifestyle than running through the streets naked attacking invisible enemies with a chainsaw.

I am the same age as you and I also feel that I should be able to cope and that lots of people are in my situation and much worse situations. Don't feel guilty. Everyone copes differently but being unemployed and single are well known to cause or intensify depression in a lot of people. You are important and you do deserve help as much as anyone else. If your GP doesn't take you seriously, go to a different doctor at the same or a different practice. Also in my area there's a kind of youth charity which provides free counselling for 11-25 year olds. I don't know if there's any charities providing support in your area, Mind run very cheap counselling in a lot of areas. It is worth looking into.

15-05-10, 00:57
Basically I'm going through the motions..not sure if I need a nerve tablet, CBT, books, something for depression? I just don't feel my usual self. Started health anxiety, chest, low mood.

Tonight feel mellow more relaxed. Still feel worked up a bit but trying to be positive.

I can only describe what's going on in my head. I worry it's not what I'm saying. Kind of worried about going out as I fear losing control..I'd say for 2/3 weeks I've just felt ill...strange, weird no matter what symptom accompanied it does that make sense? Shifting the weird feeling is hard as it can last most hours of the day.

When I've been anxious and low, I feel off my food, loose interest in some things, just seem so focused on anxiety or life..so serious but so want to just chill....it's such a hard feeling to explain. All I can put it down to is failing driving test, being single, unemployment, bad luck..can it make you this way? If so how long does it go on? Will a tablet work or just getting a job make it all better? Also feel like avoiding people as my mind "feels melted" like I'll go mad..

I will try and give that book a go that somebody mentioned here.

17-05-10, 15:44
Bit of an update..went to the doctors and they listened to my problems. It was a quick emergency appointment so going back to one on Friday.

Been given another weeks Diazepam as I feel quite awful..today I felt unreal, like I was disconnected from my mind.

Not sure where I go from here. I asked for therapy so I'll see..the doctor was keen to get to the bottom of it..:unsure:

Suffered an insomniac night last night too..so nervy..tablets working though! :blush:

21-05-10, 16:18
Another update..

Been to the doctors they won't issue anti-depressants as I had a manic episode a few years ago so it would make me go high..

So instead I'm sticking to exercise, new job, healthier eating and I have another weeks Diazepam. The doctor said I looked happier so hopefully there is some light at the end of the tunnel?

21-05-10, 16:23
glad to hear your getting there:)

21-05-10, 20:16
Phil06 Im in the same boat well pretty much the expect same boat employment troubles personal troubles i could go on but wont.Its like a bad dream that wont go away no matter how much slapping or pinching I know.Its the way things are i guess maybe even the way things are supposed to be who knows who will ever know right ?

Everyone is insane a little bit so your not alone,anyway its the insane people that make the world a fun place i think anyway.Im not saying your crazy but truth is your only as crazy as what other people think a crazy person is.

fretty freda
24-05-10, 19:31
mate ive been there and felt and thought most of those things you just listed !! you will get through it dont rush just take time out stop trying to fix your self just think well this is it i am having a shit time it wont last and you will come through the other side promise !! ive been there a few times it does go and it will go !! ride the storm u aint alone message me anytime

15-07-10, 18:58
Im going through a nervous breakdown at the moment. an emotional collapse. I posted something that I found that helped me out a lot. I do not know if you have reached the point that the text below refers to. But if you are. You are welcome to PM me if you wanna talk. Its scary but normal. And may be positive in the end. Even thou I understand that it feels really scary.

"Found the answer to whats going on. Its horrible and amazing at the same time but this is the day I've been waiting for all my life. I have never been this close to being free (and I been buried all my life).
So here it is, yes its long. But read it to understand. Maybe this will help others that feel like this."

Often lay terms convey deep truth and more insight than official medical terms.

"Nervous breakdown" is one such lay term. Definitely not an official medical diagnosis, however, I like the term because 'nervous breakdown' has deep meaning to lay people. I believe that lay words of crystalize deep intuitiions. Lets explore 'nervous breakdown.'

It has been said that a nervous breakdown means an acute emotional or psychological collapse, but I would say that it may only be the feeling of being near to such a time.

I believe that we need to go through periods when it feels like we are in an emotional collapse because life demands that we grow out of old identity patterns. In these time of identity transition we will, of necessity, feel identity confusion.

In emotional growth we must shed the old patterns before building the new ones. And just as there is a time for the snake to shed its skin; there are times for identity transformation.

While medical doctors whine that "nerves don't breakdown," I know this: often a 'nervous breakdown' is a significant life crisis, a transition time, an opportunity to leave behind the old and discover the new or, if not new, perhaps, the real core identity - the real more natural you.

This is a time when a dysfunctional personality pattern is breaking down, and it is also a time for a new healthier personality pattern to emerge.

Does "a positive disintagration / nervous breakdown" come on suddenly? No, not necessarily, it may come in a series of crisis over several years.

You may be in a process of getting in touch with your inner child over several years.

You may have a sense of confusion and crisis that has lasted several months.

What is happening? Think of it as a family role that became a personality pattern that is becoming less and less satisfying.

As the process of death of the old identity gains momentum the sense of depression, confusion and anxiety deepens.

This identity crisis is disturbing, disorienting and frightening because you feel out of control. Well it isn't easy to die, but the old is dying - an old personality pattern is being passing.

A personality pattern breaks down is because it has outlived its dysfunctional purpose. There is too much cost and pain in maintaining it.
There is too little benefit in maintaining the old pattern. It is time to move on.

Nervous breakdowns can be positive. While the old pattern is disintegrating a new pattern is waiting to be born. A new and better you may emerge. This is what I mean by 'Positive Disintegration.'

One ot the best descriptions of a nervous breakdown, from a medical perspective, is written by Sarah Chana Radcliffe, M.Ed., C.Psych.Assoc. However, she, and the medical profession, fail to understand is that not all disintegration is negative.

"Positive disintegration" is the breakdown of a dysfunctional pattern so that a healthier pattern or personality can emerge.

She says that a nervous breakdown includes some sort of disintegration of personality – usually temporary. It's as if the "circuits are overloaded." She describes breakdowns involving: inability to function, depression, loss of contact with reality bi-polar (manic) episodes, anxiety disorder, and / or panic attacks.

I have a problem with this definition that gets us entangled in more medical diagnostic categories and adds no real understanding or hope. The 'nervous breakdown,' in my experience, is almost always a potential opportunity to leave the old patterns behind and move on to higher integration. What helps is to talk to a therapist who understands this process.

At some time in your life or mine, we will likely experience life crisis.
We find that there comes a time when we cannot carry on. We cannot pretend anymore.
We cannot hold things together. We cannot go on in the same pattern of life. The burden of life has become too much. Our life comes apart.

When this happens we feel we are cracking up. We feel like we are having a nervous breakdown. We are uncertain about our identity. Our central beliefs are shaken. We question all that we have striven to do.

Our inner motor runs down: whatever has driven us this far does not hold the same interest; the work we did gladly does not to bring us the same reward; the way we have always related to people does not work for us.

We loose are ability or desire to hide what we are feeling. Our hardness, our coldness, our reserve, our emotional control is gone - broken.

We find ourselves more in touch with our emotions. We cry easily. We are easily touched. Our heart is on the surface.

Times like this need to be expected. Consider them normal. It is a normal life crisis.

I suffer from panicanxiety/social phobia/Borderline. Just a note.

hang in there. you are not alone :bighug1:
All will pass in time

21-12-10, 03:25
Just want to bring this up again..

Over the past few weeks this has started to build up again this kind of fear of having a breakdown...Last week I never managed work as I felt frozen like I was crazy..so went home..managed work on days after that one though.

Tonight I had an unreality, cant cope episode I felt totally unreal..blank mind, I rushed to the toilet about 3 times trying to distract myself..I'm also getting random thoughts cropping into my mind...also getting paranoid a few times. I hope it's just anxiety..the festive period and feeling low..I've never really cured my fear of going mad..since that build up of nerves in May they have almost carried on..I wake up feeling quite anxious normally the past few weeks..

I feel out of touch with life..like the smells..feeling of experience just feel numb, depressed, unreal, spaced. I ordered a copy of Claire weekes nerves book seemingly it will help me? I gave up the driving about 4/5 weeks ago maybe more yet I'm still a anxious wreck. I could do more to help but some days it's hard..

That's been my biggest fear..losing my mind and I'm always aware of it..feeling unreal alot..really uncomfortable and scary..feel I duno me anymore..or the feeling of normal as it only comes in tiny doses. Diazepam worked before but I'd hope to avoid the doctors and get stuck into self help. Normal stuff like tonight I had a Football coupon on and it never came up..I worried if it did I'd go crazy as I'm not use to winning (positive nerves)..then negative rushes like "I'll go crazy any second"..my physical symptom has been a tense, tingling head during these attacks..I'm worried a little button will switch and make me go mad.

I think whatever has relapsed me has been nerve related..I always said the pressure of driving tests unwrapped another layer of these nerves as I already had an anxiety disorder. I feel I have little quality of life at times when the anxiety is this high I can't sleep..I have good days but find it hard to stay positive.

Some shifts at work I feel I won't see out..but I usually manage it..sometimes now even hiding in the toilet has no escape from these mad feelings..my OCD makes it worse..is there a chance I could really go crazy? Silly of me but the more I worry the more I try and grasp onto my sane mind almost.. what I've found with my symptoms of late is they come back after a short time..feel ten times as worse..yet reading my first post it seemed awful at the time too.. I guess feeling this way all day does make me feel I'm losing it or make me feel I'm not coping.

Has anybody been where I am with the anxiety so worried about a breakdown? questioning your existence or life? Few months back I felt real signs of recovery and I accepted..lasted a week..I retook driving lessons (no test)..in the end I cancelled that test and here I am now..still I want to try again but maybe I have to accept, get over the disappointment and get a new goal? :blush:

21-12-10, 03:49
I can totally relate, a few months ago I had a panic attack that wouldn't go away, I was in a high state of anxiety for 3 or 4 days, could not sleep, couldn't eat, had bad derealization, depersonalization, my thoughts felt odd, was having weird images and thoughts too.
It felt like this weird feeling would never leave me, I spent most of my time in the chat room seeking reassurance, it's so unbelievably hard to believe (at the time) them when they tell you it's just anxiety, it will pass, your not going crazy.......
Over the next few weeks my anxiety did lessen, even had some good days, but I find now I still get that feeling/fear of going crazy, I find the best thing is distraction.
Anxiety can make you numb, I found I tend to lose interest in things that used to make me feel happy...
I know it's scary but the fear keeps you trapped, the more you worry about it the more anxious you will feel and then the more you will monitor you thinking and things .
I find since my anxiety got very bad i feel as if i lost my self some where along the way.
looking back at photos can help, as it triggers memories and emotions and reminds you who you are without the anxiety.