View Full Version : Hello :)

14-05-10, 16:15
Hello everyone,

just to introduce myself, you can call me Ronnie, I had what I called a breakdown back in 1997 where I thought I was dying, mannny doctors and so on later I'm told I have panic-anxiety disorder. Of course I don't belive it at the time so I spend - til now - 13 years being agoraphobic, only leaving the home with my husband and never alone.

I take anti depressants - citalopram, and have no idea if they really work.

I found this forum while looking up anxiety on youtube :)

Last year a family member took their life, I denied it happened for 10 months then boom, one day I had the flu (about 9 weeks ago) and I started to feel funny, before I knew it I was on the floor panting for breath and shaking ... yes, the panic attacks returned.

So since then I have been pretty depressed, anxious and very negative mentally and worrying I am back to square 1 with my progress.

It is said that to have a set back means you have moved forward but I'm not feeling like I am winning right now.

I meditate every morning and yell positive affermations in my head all day LOL but still the anxiety comes, I get all the classic symptoms and I do get tricked into thinking I am dying or something is very wrong. I read a lot and do everything I can to fight the negative thoughts and survive the scary symptoms.

It took over 10 years to really accept it is just anxiety. I think sometimes I must be stupid.

Well I hope this was not too depressing, I'm here because I want to be happy and walk outside alone and truly enjoy life again without being terrified of the symptoms.

Thank you :)

14-05-10, 16:19
Hi seeker-of-peace

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

14-05-10, 16:20

Vanilla Sky
14-05-10, 21:21
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome: Paige x