View Full Version : Citalopram Weight Gain

14-05-10, 16:24
Has anyone gain weight whilst on Citalopram? My appetite has shot through the roof and I have gained 4kgs. Nightmare, and that is without alcohol too!

14-05-10, 16:30
Me too! Lost about 2 stone when I first went on it, now six months later want to eat everything in sight and weight is going back on!!!

14-05-10, 16:40
I'm on a similar AD (sertraline) and haven't put on any weight although my GP says it is a common side effect with these meds. You just have to be a bit more careful with your diet I suppose.

14-05-10, 16:41
Strange thing is the food tastes so much better too.

14-05-10, 17:00
I know exactly what you mean, and my son is staying with me since I've been ill and he is a fantastic cook so really spoiling me, all very healthy but so delicious :-)

14-05-10, 17:03
good on you Jannie

14-05-10, 17:14
yeah I put on a lot of weight but I was also drinking coffee and coka cola too, since I stopped the 2 I lost about 4kgs!

seems everyone is on the same meds!