View Full Version : Afraid to be alone, anyone else feel/ever felt this way?

14-05-10, 17:05
Hi everyone!

Since I had my first panic attack, I've been terrified to be on my own at home. I was alone when I had the panic attack and I think this is the main reason why I fear it so much. I remember how scared I was and how much I really wished someone was with me at the time. Now everytime I even think of being on my own I panic. I think 'What if I have a heart attack or something, nobody will be there to help', when I look at people who live on their own I think how brave they are.

I know this is something I need to overcome but It's very hard, I've tried staying on my own for short periods of time and gradually increasing the time as I go on but as soon as the door shuts my heart starts to race, my eyes go blurry, and I become very aware that I am alone and find it very hard to distract myself. :blush:

I used to love having time to myself, now I'm afraid that I won't ever get that back. Anyone else experience this with panic or health anxiety? How do you cope/get over it? I'm in CBT at the moment and it's working wonders for me, but I seem to have hit a wall when it comes to tackling being on my own.

Any advice is welcome. :)


14-05-10, 17:11
Can't say i can offer advice as I have had this fear since a child along with the health anxiety the two seem to go hand in hand. The fear of being alone is tied up with fear of being ill with no one to help.

All I can say is its very common in people with health anxiety and I hope your CBt helps you.

14-05-10, 17:11
Hello :)

Yes I felt and feel this way right now. I was working from home and was doing really well until the attacked returned. This past week I have slept all day as I was so afraid of being awake during the day when my husband was working.

I am hoping next week I'll start to work again even though I might shake and sweat and cry :)

I know I'm afraid of the symptoms and think terrible things about what might happen, what about you, are you like this too?

BTW I listen to a meditation cd all day, one that tells me to relax and breathe, this helps alot and helped me to get calm so I could actually go feed myself and do things that needed doing around the place. I am agoraphobic BTW.

14-05-10, 17:17
I feel this way too & have done ever since my first attack, it got to the point where my husband ended up loosing his job as I wouldn't let him leave me, I settled down after a while & he ended up going back to work & I was doing fine until last year when it all started again & I'm struggling now & finding it really hard as I can't find a way out of the way that I feel xx

14-05-10, 17:30
I definitely feel this way too. My sister moved out at the end of last year and I have hated living alone and think that is why my anxiety has spiralled so much, it is definitely this feeling of not having anybody there is something goes wrong. Do you live with people then, and it is only short times you are alone? You should challenge yourself as you are doing, i think the relaxation tapes are a good idea. All i would say is try not to put so much pressure on this situation at this will make it bigger in your head and in a way set yourself up for a panic - i think you would feel different if you suddenly realised you had been alone for many hours and felt okay, rather than forcing yourself to be alone and getting in a state just thinking about it.

I hope this helps, i wish i could take my own advice and just relax in my own company! xxx

15-05-10, 09:13
I really hate being on my own as well. I have around 10 hours day alone . I have my dog for company but I lost my confidence through this latest bout of anxiety and other than walk my dog I just dont want to leave the house.

15-05-10, 13:29
I am very afraid of being by myself. My boyfriend moved out and within two weeks I started to have palpitations, which led into panic attacks. I had panic disorder 30 years ago, and at that time I lived with my parents so I usually had someone around. This time, my boyfriend still comes around and he stayed over for a little while, but he no longer does that. It was a mutual feeling for him to move out at the time. My counselors say that my anxiety was building the last year or two because of my stressful job, the stress with the boyfriend, and my Mom's health issues. I was giving, giving, giving, and not getting anything back and just kind of depleted myself. I have a son that stops by regularly, but otherwise I am by myself unless I go out for a walk or a drive. I am on a medical leave from my job right now. My counselors think this is probably good for me to learn how to care of my anxiety on my own, even though it is scary. It builds confidence.

15-05-10, 15:41
Hi , had to reply cause ive been there! Had a panic attack when i was home alone and from then on was completely terrified to be on my own even for five mins its just felt too scary and felt impossible that i would ever be able to be alone again. But now i can cope with being alone i still get panic attacks now and again but now i think so what they cannot do anything to me and will pass. you have to go through the terrifying panic and feelings to learn that no matter how bad it feels you are perfectly fine and safe. And ask yourself has anybody actually got rid of your panic and scary feelings? No you have always done that on your own so you dont need anybody! you are perfectly safe alone! even though it doesnt feel it.

The way i got over this was just by telling myself id rather go through all these terrifying feelings and thoughts than to never be able to be on my own again. and youve just got to be on your own and do it over and over again everyday! untill you start to feel better with it ..and u will x

15-05-10, 17:04
To true ema !! i was the same , i stay alone most of the time , for some reason it has came back again ( a blip ) ive bein taking attacks on and off for past few weeks now , i know how horrible it can be at nite when alone , i just sit up take a few deep breathes and talk myself out of it ..

09-08-10, 10:05
I just bumped this thread 2 see if anyone can give me advice. I'm on my own at the moment and I'm pretty scared. My Boyfriend started a new job today so I have to get used to being alone again. I'm afraid something will happen to me and nobody will be here to help. I'm terrified that my heart will pack in. I've had ECG'S, ECHO'S and holters. Surely that means I'm ok? I just need some reassurance. I'm 22 and I feel like such a baby being afraid to be on my own!

09-08-10, 10:46
You are ok - all those tests say so its your mind making you scared and givign you weird feeling. I know exactly how you feel and I know it sounds cheesey but sometimes when Im on my own I put music on and sing at the top of my voice - not only does it take your mind of it but it regulates your breathing which helps reduice some of the symptoms of panic.

Take it easy


09-08-10, 16:26
Thanks for the reply. I really appreciate it! One day of being alone almost over... then it starts again tomorrow. I tried to keep myself busy today, went to the gym with a friend and shopping but when I was at home alone it was terrible, kept thinking I was gonna just drop dead from a heart attack!!!

Thanks again. :)

09-08-10, 20:42
When I'm feeling very anxious I hate been home alone, and because I have problems with eating (feel as if everything I swallow gets stuck in my throat). If I'm home alone and really anxious I'll go all day without having food, which only makes me more anxious. If everyone is going out I try to arrange to go with them. Luckily I've never experineced a full blown panic attack when I've been alone, but I understand what u r goin thru x x