View Full Version : heart rate and anxiety

01-02-06, 08:56
Hi all,
sometimes I go into a state of lack of attention, my primary problem is social anxiety by I think I have adhd as well. I am right in the middle of a low attention time. I am finding it hard to focus on outside and my focus is kind of inward. I do not know how to describe this, this more like lack of attention due to too much inward focus, when there are nothoughts. There is a sence of blankness or non existence and focus on this nonexistence. I am thinking about something that does not exist, more like believers believing in god(no offence to believers, just my belief).

My usual normal heart rate is around 53-58. But right now it is 72. Does any one know correlation between heart rate and anxiety. But I do not feel palpitations, which I do some other times when it appears more like anxiety. RIght now it appears less like anxiety and more like inward focus on nonexistence. Does any one understand what I am talking about, although I am coping up with anxiety pretty well, I get this low concentration inward focus spans more during afternoons, what exactly is this. I have a meeting, so I had a cup of tea to allow me to concentrate on the meeting, the tea has elivated the concentartion certainly, but of my previous experience, I know that there is a high probability that after 1 hour, I might hit a much worse low cause by the tea itself.

Am I being agrophobic here???


01-02-06, 10:41

if you read claire weekes books she tells you that anxiety can give you a quicker than normal heart rate, not palpitations but an over all raised rate. she says this is a normal response to anxiety and she says nothing to worry about

also many peoples normal heart rate is 72 or more. try not to worry as worry increases it furthur. relax if possible and it should calm down, but if it doesnt she says " what does it matter for once you recognise it as a normal bodily response it will loose its fear"

easier said than done but she cured many people like you and me and still is through her books today

hope this helps


01-02-06, 11:45
Thanks jackie, I am just out of it. I am doing some breathing exercises and that has got the anxiety down to the level where, I am able to focus on work now. This really is an amazing site, atleast I have some people to cheer up when I make progress and I am not struggling all alone. It feels happy to be out of anxiety, but the next one is not too far away, it might be today or tomorrow again, its a pleasure to be on the world :-(, basically because, when you come out of anxiety you really understand what happiness is. Thats a postive way of thinking isnt it :-)))


01-02-06, 11:59
Hi Ram,

72 is a perfect resting heart rate. Our heart rate varies all the time depending on what we're doing so is bound to go up a bit from 58 at times. Caffeine can raise it too so even a cup of tea could make a difference if you're very sensitive to caffeine. Anxiety certainly can raise the heart rate too, it's happened to me several times when I've not been feeling particularly anxious. Even now just thinking about heart rate for this post I can feel mine increasing.

Take care,

Lisa x

01-02-06, 16:17
Hi Ram

I think I understand what you're saying by "finding it hard to focus on outside and my focus is kind of inward." This is what I am going thru at the moment, I find it very hard to concentrate at work, even on the simplest things. I feel I dont function the way I should.
To me, although I could be wrong, it's derealisation where you feel that you're distanced from reality and normality. Tell me please if I am wrong here.
I find too that my heart rate is slightly increased, some nights lately it can be around 90-100.
Take care.


*** Instead of giving myself reasons why I can't, I give myself reasons why I can. ***

02-02-06, 03:28
It is exactly right. Interesting to know it is called derealisation. At this point in time, I am too confused as to whether to be open about my problem, with someone whom I think has misunderstood me. I am not too sure what to do.

