View Full Version : Hugs for my boy please...

14-05-10, 19:27
I feel like an absolutely terrible mum at the moment. Ben has arrived home from France very poorly. He had to go to the emergency doctor 2 hours after arriving home.

He has SEVERE tonsilitis. Given not one but THREE bottles of Penicillin V and told to take him straight to A&E if he stops being able to swallow water.

The poor boy got off the coach in tears with pain.

He's had a sore throat off and on for a couple of weeks now and if i had taken him to the doctor in the first it would never have gotten to this stage.

Big hugs my darling boy...i love you millions


14-05-10, 19:34
What a shame, poor ben.:hugs:
dont blame yourself for not taking him to doctors at the first signs of a sore throat, you werent to know that it would turn into severe tonsilitis, most are viruses that go away on their own, hes just been very unlucky.
I have heard you talk of ben before and you sound like a very loving mum, who takes care of him very well.

Hugs to you both, and an especially big one for ben.:bighug1:, hope you feel much better soon,xx

14-05-10, 19:37
Hugs for Ben :bighug1:

14-05-10, 19:40
:hugs: Hugs for Ben and for you :hugs:

14-05-10, 19:50
Lisa missus, you pack that in or I shall get cross with you. :lac:

Just because he has had a sore throat on and off does not mean he had tonsillitis brewing and if you had taken him, they would probably have sent you home without treatment!

You had no way of knowing this would happen so stop beating yourself up.

Ben has come home to a lovely freshly decorated room where he can rest and get better (the Penicillin should kick in quite quickly) and he has got his lovely mum to care for him.

Hugs for you both :hugs:

14-05-10, 19:51
Oh bless him,

I remember the pain from infected tonsilitis, its awful! Lots of hugs and warm wishes!

Granny Primark
14-05-10, 20:12
loads of :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
for Ben.
Hope he gets well soon Lisa.
And dont go blaming yourself!!!!!

14-05-10, 20:25
He needs lots of his friend Jerry, Ben and Jerry's.

Hope he's back on his feet asap. Oh! Granny P I love the sig.

14-05-10, 21:12
:bighug1: to Ben

Vanilla Sky
14-05-10, 21:15
Lisa , stop right there with the guilt thing ! How were you to know he was going to get tonsilitis ?? I could see why you would of felt bad if you knew he had it and packed him of ! Why do us mum's blame ourselves for everything we cannot prevent, I mean i know we are super human beings but come on theres only so much we can do :D . Put the guilt right out of your head hun, seriously.
Love and hugs to Ben and his lovely mum Lisa :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Paige xxx

14-05-10, 21:50
Thank you all so much

I have had tonsilitis to the extext that i nearly ended up in hospital, my brother did end up in hospital with it as it became so severe, they could no longer treat him oraly and had to be put on a drip, so i know how bad he feels.

Just heart breaking seeing him poorly.

Thank you all for your well wishes and hugs..i will pass them on to him.

Love and hugs

14-05-10, 22:13
Now I'll have none of this negative talk BB. I know how much you were looking forward to his return and how hard you worked... We all know that you're a fantastic mum and I wish young Ben a quick recovery.


14-05-10, 22:23
oh lisa hun...it is NOT your fault in anyway...
sending you some :hugs::hugs::hugs:
and get well wishes for ben...
you are a great mum and im sure he will soon be on the mend

14-05-10, 22:27
get better soon ben:bighug1:and ahug for mum:bighug1:love shaka

14-05-10, 22:42
hi Lisa, huge hugs to your son, u r a fab mum, stop beating yourself up hun, i know us mums always do that though.

i hope he starts to feel better soon, sometimes it can take a while for medicine to kick in, kids r strong, im sure it wont b long before he is feeling better, huge hugs to u xx

14-05-10, 22:48
You people are amazing! I don't know where i would be without you at times, i really don't.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your lovely words and advice.

love Lisa

15-05-10, 08:31
one of my wide rolling deep blue oceans of love for ben,and for you me deary lisa xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx:hugs::hugs::hugs:

15-05-10, 09:01
hi lisa sorry to here about Ben, hope he is getting better.

you now how to get hold off he if i can help you.


15-05-10, 10:33
get well soon ben xx and lisa you are not to blame no way so hug to you aswell xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

15-05-10, 13:43
Thank's my lovely friends
He's fast asleep at the moment which is completely unlike him so he must be absolutely shattered. I suppose sleep is one of the best things for him at the moment. Poor wee sausage!!

Thanks again peeps
Love Lisa

15-05-10, 18:36
Im sorry Ben 's not well Lisa .:hugs:But Im sure he'll get well soon now his home .Dont blame yourself in any way ,these things happen .I doubt very much if the Dr would have done anything early on as they just tend to tell you to take the preverbial Paracetamol in most cases ..Sending you both a big hug and hope he gets well soon .No doubt you will need a good rest when that happens ,after all your attentive care ..Take care Luv Sue xx:bighug1::bighug1:xx

15-05-10, 19:57
Awww Lisa
I hope that Ben soon starts to feel a bit better.


15-05-10, 20:48
Hi Lisa,,,,,

Firstly you are a brilliant mum!!!! Look what you did for his return, no other mortal would have delved that deep into the toy boxes and under the bed, you did a wonderful thing for him painting his room and it looks lovely by the way.

Children have all sorts of sore throats and coughs, its just a normal run of the mill, you were not to know he would develop tonsilitus !!!!

Ben has medicine now and he is on the mend, and hopefully in a couple of days you will put this all in the past !!!

Big hugs you to and to Ben may he make a speedy recovery, so he can mess his room up,,,lol

Take care

sssssssnnnnniiiiiiiiipppppppppppyyyyyyyy xxxxx:hugs:

16-05-10, 00:36
lisa dont blame your self big :hugs: for u and ben

19-05-10, 16:47
Hey quit this 'terrible mum' routine, I bet he's being looked after supremely well.

It's all too easy to blame ourselves for things we have no reason to.

Therefore hugs for Ben :hugs: and best wishes for a speedy recovery.

And :hugs: for you Lisa, who I've no doubt is doing no end of good in caring for her precious son.

19-05-10, 19:29
Aww you lot are lovely.
Ben is on the mend at last. Not 100% as yet but not far off it.
Thankyou forallyou well wishes,kind words and hugs.

Love Lisa