View Full Version : Question for Citalopram users

14-05-10, 20:03
Why are you still here?

Does it not really cure health anxiety, does it mean you have good and bad days or do you just come to this forum to give advice and reassurance?

14-05-10, 20:16
Mmmm! Good question, I'll have to think about that one.

I suspect people come here for all sorts of reasons. My doc popped me on to Citalopram for mild depression/anxiety not HA. All the same I joined up having found good advice on Citalopram, but more to the point a community. What we'd call at work a CoI, a community of interest or as someone wag said the other day a Community of Idiots :wacko:. Some seek care and advice while others gain by seeking to give advice and care.

Any SSRI such as Citalopram is only a sticking plaster for most conditions, but it gives you space to get your breath back and put yourself back on a better footing to address any underlying problems. It's not a panacea for all ills and if scratch at the scab as it's healing the old wound may reopen, so there will be good and bad days but read my signatre that describes how I look at things.

Take care

14-05-10, 22:09
I have been on citalopram for two years from when i had severe Post natal depression and i have developed H/A and an anxiety disorder from the PND, the citalopram has helped with the panic attacks and severe anxiety but i am no means cured and I have relapses. i dont know what triggers my relapses but it usually follows a stressful period. I probably need more CBT as i had some sessions and it really helped but i stopped going because my counsellor went on Maternity leave and i thought i was better. Citalopram really is only a plaster it doesnt heal you, only counselling and working through it can really get to the bottom of it all. IMO anyway.