View Full Version : Bad again this evening

14-05-10, 21:05
I feel like all I ever do is post that I feel rubbish, well today is no exception, I got up feeling ok & managed to go to the shops & do a few things which I normally find really difficult & then about 4ish this afternoon I started to feel pretty rubbish, my throat feels all puffy & feels like someone has their hands around my neck, I have a heavy feeling on my chest, my ears are ringing, my head has pressure almost like when you move too quick & have a blood rush. When I stand up I'm all heavy & I'm finding it hard to walk as I feel so weak with it too.
I feel like I can't take a nice deep breath because of my throat ?
I don't feel like talking as it is too much effort & I'm getting really ratty with people tonight.
Just so fed up with feeling like this I know it is all anxiety or a simple bug as the kids have had coughs & colds & I've been quite bunged for the last few days but I just can't snap out of this downward spiral of irrational thoughts & it's driving me mad :weep:
Oh & to top it all off I have a Wisdom tooth coming through & it is killing me & it doesn't look like there is enough room for it so I guess that will be a trip to the dentist something which I haven't done for 16 years now as I was petrified of them even before my anxiety started so who knows what I will be like now !!

14-05-10, 22:02
hi i've had that throat thing start yesterday, and my panic attacks were one after other yesterday evening, i seem to be coping better with it tonight. can also relate to your wisdom tooth thing am supposed to have mine out but since these panics have cancelled i don't know how many times, we'll get there hey :)

14-05-10, 22:38
Well done for posting when you are feeling bad - I don't have your courage. Baggs.

17-05-10, 16:31
Don't let it get you down Bex,

You are obviously a bit poorly as well as anxious - you'll be feeling better soon I'm sure.