View Full Version : Bringing on your symptoms..

14-05-10, 22:21
Hi everyone, is anyone out there able to bring on their symptoms by just thinking about them? I can think something like "Ooo i havent felt dizzy in a while" and then il get dizzy!! Not always straight away, usually within minutes.. My biggest one is Eye Floaters. Ive had these ever since my anxiety disorder started, they are so annoying!! They dont frighten me as i know they r just anxiety but im tryin to think of a way i can lessen them as they are quite bad some days, they make me laugh sometimes too coz i get some funny old shapes n floaty sparkly dots!! im just getting fed up with it if im honest lol. I literally have the floaters 50% of the time, i never go a day without having them.. but i know its all anxiety coz i can make them happen lol, i can literally look at something and think about the floaters and they'll happen...its so strange!! Same with alot of my other symptoms, its very odd!!

Can anyone else bring on their symptoms???????????? And how can i lessen these blimmin' floaters!! Mine look like little worms sometimes they r so annoying!!!!!!!! lol

Hayz x

14-05-10, 22:36
Oh yes I can totally relate to that, it's a discussion that I have with my mum quite often (she is also an anxiety sufferer) we can think ourselves to have alsorts of symptoms if we really want to & it's awful as it never seems to switch off.
I have been suffering with the floaters again for the last week although the other night they seemed so huge & really freaked me out so I went to bed & shut my eyes & could still see the blasted things !!

14-05-10, 23:49
Definitely!! The dizziness, the tingling and the floaters.....I think it's just us becoming hyper aware of our body and every little sensation we're feeling! By the way, I had a very bad MS worry day yesterday......How's it going with you?

15-05-10, 02:02
Goodness I think myself into a state sometimes! We can definitely bring on our own symptoms, such powerful minds we have!

15-05-10, 04:29
Yeah, see the thing with the floaters is they are always there and we always see them, our mind just filters out unnecessary extra stimuli normally. For whatever reason with anxiety we are more aware of everything that actually happens normally all the time in our bodies anyway. We just usually aren't aware of it.

This can go the other way also. The placebo effect is a good example. It's also why CBT and similar things work so well. Your mind can be a great healing tool and it can bring you great misery as well, when it is dysfunctional such as with anxiety.

15-05-10, 10:15
Thanks guys, havent had them today so far so fingers crossed !!!

Shazandra - I havent had any 'MS' symptoms lately, they seemed to disappear after convincing myself I dont have it lol. I still do wonder in the back of my mind whether i do have it and i only get the symptoms every now & then lol,. but im really trying hard to convince myself it really is just anxiety again, and its working so far! lol! How ru?? You say u had a bad MD day, what symptoms did u have and how did u get them to calm down? Ru feeling ok today?

Ninja yes i totally agree with you.. hypesensitivty is what i put it all down to, i can bring them on by sitting there, staring at something, then thinking 'no floaters!!' and then the b****d things turn up dont they!! lol.

God i hate anxiety grrrrrrrrrrrrr :P

15-05-10, 19:58
""I havent had any 'MS' symptoms lately, they seemed to disappear after convincing myself I dont have it lol. I still do wonder in the back of my mind whether i do have it and i only get the symptoms every now & then lol,. but im really trying hard to convince myself it really is just anxiety again, and its working so far! lol! How ru?? You say u had a bad MD day, what symptoms did u have and how did u get them to calm down? Ru feeling ok today?""

Feeling a bit better thanks for asking. I don't know what triggered my bad MS day really...I was feeling light headed and googles it and it all went down hill from there. This all started 2 months ago when I was getting a warm sensation on my thigh and made the mistake of googling it. Since then I've been obsessed with any off sensation or feeling (Slight tingling in legs or chin, fatigue, eye twitch). Today was better cuz like you I'm trying to convince myself it's all anxiety related. Have you been to a neurologist? I havn't cuz I'm just too scared......

16-05-10, 10:32
Iver had a CT scan and loads of bloods taken, aswell as numerous ECG's and a Chest X-ray. All completely normal. My CT scan was coz i had almost constant dizziness, i was bed-ridden with it,. vomiting etc. But i realised how powerful anxiety is because once i got the All Clear it all stopped!! Then of course a week later or so i was worried about something else in my body (think it was my heart, went to A&E because of bad chest pains) and turns out it was, again, just anxiety. I was kept on a continual ECG for hours, and given a 10mg diazepam to calm me down as i was hyperventilating badly.. again, the continual ECG (APPROX 4 HOURS I THINK) came back totally clear, as did my chest xray. Again, the pains completely stopped!! lol. I dont think i have anything wrong with my head or heart now as i did before, but the symptoms i get alllllllllllll the time are numbness and tingling in random places on my body, and lightheadedness, and shakes badlyyyy.. its horrible. I get days where i seem to convince myself that its anxiety and im fine, and days where i just CANT, and obsess about every single symptom....which as you & i know, only escalates the symptom! lol! Dont be scared to see a neuro, ud feel soooo much better! i am totally convinced you DONT have MS or any neuro problem, based on ur symptoms alone it really wouldnt be MS... I have had worse symptoms than you like the burning and crawling hot feeling in skin, prickly sunburn feeling running doiwn my legs or in my finger, or face! If u had MS, it wouldnt just be the odd day here & there, and im starting to realise that i think we'd know for definate if something sinister was going on.. MS symptoms are soooooo much like anxiety, its horrible :( But i say see a neuro and put ur mind at rest :) xxx

16-05-10, 20:00
i was just thinking.which is not easy at the mo lol,but funny how we can think and bring all these symptoms on within mins but we cant think ourselfs better within mins!

Going home
16-05-10, 20:54
I also live with floaters most of the time, but the symptom that happens just when i think it hasn't for a while is usually a few missed beats...guaranteed :D

16-05-10, 21:01
what r floaters?

Going home
16-05-10, 21:07
Floaters are mostly black spots or squiggles in front of your eyes that seem to move when your eyes move. They aren't painful or connected to the aura/zig-zags you can get with migraines They can be a symptom of anxiety.


16-05-10, 21:08
Blimey i never had that, its amazing how many symptoms there are. Horrible but amazing.

17-05-10, 01:00
Iver had a CT scan and loads of bloods taken, aswell as numerous ECG's and a Chest X-ray. All completely normal. My CT scan was coz i had almost constant dizziness, i was bed-ridden with it,. vomiting etc. But i realised how powerful anxiety is because once i got the All Clear it all stopped!! Then of course a week later or so i was worried about something else in my body (think it was my heart, went to A&E because of bad chest pains) and turns out it was, again, just anxiety. I was kept on a continual ECG for hours, and given a 10mg diazepam to calm me down as i was hyperventilating badly.. again, the continual ECG (APPROX 4 HOURS I THINK) came back totally clear, as did my chest xray. Again, the pains completely stopped!! lol. I dont think i have anything wrong with my head or heart now as i did before, but the symptoms i get alllllllllllll the time are numbness and tingling in random places on my body, and lightheadedness, and shakes badlyyyy.. its horrible. I get days where i seem to convince myself that its anxiety and im fine, and days where i just CANT, and obsess about every single symptom....which as you & i know, only escalates the symptom! lol! Dont be scared to see a neuro, ud feel soooo much better! i am totally convinced you DONT have MS or any neuro problem, based on ur symptoms alone it really wouldnt be MS... I have had worse symptoms than you like the burning and crawling hot feeling in skin, prickly sunburn feeling running doiwn my legs or in my finger, or face! If u had MS, it wouldnt just be the odd day here & there, and im starting to realise that i think we'd know for definate if something sinister was going on.. MS symptoms are soooooo much like anxiety, its horrible :( But i say see a neuro and put ur mind at rest :) xxx
Thanks so much!! I cried a bit today cuz of the light-headedness and the MS fear in my car on the way home!!! When I came home and read your message it made me feel so much better!!! I will go to my doctor and hopefully all will be okay!! I have to stop googling, it's really ruining my health! The mind is such a powerful thing!!! I wish I could stop googling and concentrating on every single little ache and pain!! Thanks again!! I'll keep you posted....

17-05-10, 09:48
Yes definitely do keep me posted hun, and dont worry ur not alone, msg me anytime u wanna chat x

17-05-10, 10:42
i always get this aswell like if i can physically feel sick by just thinking about it and pasing out is the worst i think im actually going to pass out. hopefully it will go in time

17-05-10, 13:34
I can totally relate to the bringing symptoms on syndrome, I am even scared now to think 'oh I haven't had that for a while' because I immediately get it. It's so frustrating! I too suffer with the off balance / dizziness thing mostly and can be just getting on with my day, then think about it and I get it, grrrrrr!!!


17-05-10, 14:30
I completely agree with the bringing on symptoms thing too. I have been suffering from ectopics over the last few weeks after a period of over-breathing and anxiety. I can go for days without any, but as soon as I have one (just from running up the stairs the other day), I focus so much on it and constantly take my pulse that I just have more and more.

I hadn't had any today until my husband rang me at lunchtime and asked how my heart was feeling today. 10 minutes later, they started!! I think I have managed to control them by ignoring them for the last half an hour!!

Going home
17-05-10, 17:28
And don't forget, alot of people are 'suggestive' look how many can be hypnotised. We're all open to suggestion so I guess we can talk ourselves into feeling bad too!

Anna xx

18-05-10, 01:50
Oh God, I've definitely brought on symptoms in the past just by thinking about them! Like I'll remember a 'good old' symptom - "oooh, I'm so glad I don't have that chokey feeling anymore!" - and lo and behold, a day or so later it's back with a vengeance. Thing is, health anxiety is driven by us paying abnormal attention to our bodies, so if we focus on a particular part of the body we're very likely to start noticing some sensations we wouldn't have noticed otherwise. So annoying, such a vicious circle!

18-05-10, 10:02
i was just thinking.which is not easy at the mo lol,but funny how we can think and bring all these symptoms on within mins but we cant think ourselfs better within mins!

lol..... i totally agree with that one, thought that often myself