View Full Version : Random new user!

15-05-10, 06:01

I randomly stubbled across this site after waking up at 5am! I have had a clicking in my throat when I swallow for the past two days. I know jow it started! I was led on my back in bed because I recently damaged my cocyx and couldn't sleep any other way! Anyway, I was in a bit of a half sleep and shifted around to get more comfortable, and when I did this something in my neck moved. Since then I've had this clicking at the top of my neck everytime I swallow saliva. I don't seem to be producing as much saliva, as I used to, either and my throat and mouth are pretty dry when I wake up. I don't have issues eating, and I'm not in any physical pain. It is begining to drive me crazy though!!!

Lately it seems to be that I have one thing after another wrong with me, hence the name!!!

It started after I started with anxiety attacks a few months ago. The doc signed me off work with it and I gradually began to manage it. I was off for 2 weeks. Since then I had a bad chest, I got pains on my chest wall and twinges in my heart, which I still get from time to time. I then got a chest infection, and when that cleared up I had swollen glands. When that went away I ended up with the coccyx pain (no idea how that happened but it's been hurting for two weeks and I had to take the last couple of days off work for hardly being able to move without being in agony!) Now that seems to be healing, but because of it I've now got this stupid blumin clickin feeling every time I swallow. It's making me v.paranoid that it'll gradually wear something down in my throat. I don't know if it will but since the anxiety attacks I have become a very 'what if' person and I usually think in the worst case scenario!!!

My boyfriend is becoming very weary with me and is starting to get irritated when I bring things up!!! I guess I can understand his frustration; even i'm getting frustrated with me!!!

So is the whole throat thing just an over reaction? I saw a thread and other people seem to be going through the same thing, and that's how I found this site!!! I have developed a bad habit of self-diagnosis. I realise this isn't a good thing but at least something good has come of it in me finding this place!!

So hello everyone...i'm the 'one thing after another girl'!!!

15-05-10, 06:03
Hi onethingafteranother

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

15-05-10, 14:10
Hi onethingafteranother girl,

This sounds familiar to me before I had my first mega panic attack last September I had symptoms like a dry mouth and dry throat no matter what I drank to quench my thirst. My throat was so dry it was difficult to swallow. Now when the anxiety is bad my whole body tenses up and I can feel the muscles contracting and clicking across my chest, arms and neck.

The best thing to do is to try and ignore the symptoms like the throat clicking and not to worry about it and you'll find that it will just disappear.
I know it's easier said than done ignoring something that is freaking you out but the less you worry the quicker it will go. This was the advice I was given by my GP and my neighbour who is also a doctor and they were right.

Just try not to focus too much on your symptoms but if you are worried go to your doctor for reassurance as that always helps me.

15-05-10, 14:26
i read that the best thing to do to make salava is sherbert lemons just suck on one they work i had this,,