View Full Version : sweating.

15-05-10, 08:59
I am freaking out a bit i have been tired/nauseas/diarrhea/insomnia/pain in side and back for the last 3-4 weeks and the last few nights i have woke at around 3am feeling sick and covered in sweat.
I constantly feel sick all day.iI cant stop thinking its something serious.

15-05-10, 09:10
Hi zippy, I went through a phase of that a little while ago and its just occasional now. At the time I seemed to have 24 hour anxiety.
I do still get the hot turns for a while when getting up in the morning and the aches but I just try to distract myself from them and they ease.

15-05-10, 09:28
Hi Zippy

Are you on an SSRI by any chance? I had those symptoms as side effects from SSRIs (sertraline and Seroxat). If not, I would say it's worth going to your GP, just for peace of mind. Try not panic and think it is something serious, it could be IBS for example, which while being unpleasant, isn't serious.


15-05-10, 09:45
I am on fluoxetine but i cant remember sweating in the middle of the night last time i was on them.Can ibs cause pain in your side and back and constant nausea?

15-05-10, 20:39
Well I have found that all the SSRIs give me night sweats. With Seroxat, it was like waking up in a bath. Again all of the SSRIs can cause nausea, but that tends to be mainly on an empty stomach (in my experience).

I have had pain in my side and back due to trapped wind. You could try taking a Windeze (from the chemist) and see if it does anything.

I'd still go to your GP though - it's worth getting checked out.

17-05-10, 09:20
Zippy, I am on Citalopram and noticed a few mornings upon waking that I felt clammy. I woke this morning and I was covered in sweat. I am often getting hot spells during the day. I have been on cits for about 10 - 11 weeks now so would of thought that I would have had these when I just started taking them.