View Full Version : How is everyone doing today?

15-05-10, 10:22
I feel ok today, but had very vivid dreams lastnight, think thats the Citalopram playing up again lol. Tremors in hands today but thats it so far, i pretty much shake all the time anyway so nothing unusual there! I always find that keeping myself busy helps keep the anxiety at bay, so im watching the FA cup Final today, i live in Portsmouth so its going to be a wicked day, especially if they win! I'd like to have a few drinks but Citalopram leaflet says 'no alcohol' :( So have to stick with my bottle of Schloer!! lol

Be nice to know how you are all doing today with the anxiety, and what your plans are for the day to keep your mind active? x

15-05-10, 12:03
Hi Hayz

Sounds like you're feeling relatively good today. :D You're right, it's a good idea to keep busy. Hope you enjoy the match. (I used to live nearish you - in Portchester!)

I feel ok-ish so far today. Taken some anti-histamine in the hope that my headaches are hay fever related and so far, so good. I'm off to take my daughter to her ballet lesson shortly. She's only 3, so it's not so much 'ballet' as running & skipping around in tutus! Bless them.

Not sure what else the day will bring, but I aim to stay as busy as possible. x

15-05-10, 12:11
So glad you are feeling better today Crazyhayz and that the gig went well, saw on another thread that you got hit with a shoe!! Hope you are ok??

I feel good today, the Citalopram do give you bad dreams, well they do for me but not all the time. Not sure if I'm gonna watch cup final, Portsmouth beat my team Spurs:mad: My youngest son last night got invited to go to watch it at Wembley in a box, very nice, champagne and good food all the way...:)

I'm just about to watch the F1 qualifying for the Monaco grand prix, luv it :-) Tomorrow England v Australia in the T20 final and I can't wait, I am a complete cricket fanatic!!

Hope the rest of your day goes well, the sun is shining and looks like it's going to be a nice weekend.

Jannie x x

15-05-10, 13:03
Hi there :) Im your mortal enemy from Southampton! But I dont support saints, so we should be ok lol.
Good to hear youre going out and enjoying yourself today.
I used to get terrible nightmares whilst I was on citalopram.

As for my plans for the day. Im not sure! Its just started chucking it down with rain, sp maybe ill keep warm and read a book :)

15-05-10, 16:01
All's well here in China. Typical stuff with the health anxiety. Feeling a little worse this evening than I was yesterday, but it comes and goes. If I could only get rid of this bothersome neck pain I might feel alright. I can't seem to shake it, and it's been going on for a couple of weeks now. I know it's stress related, but I'll tell you, it's got me thinking all sorts of crazy illnesses. I'm new to the boards, but we can all share the wealth none the less. Glad your feeling on top of things today.

It's late PM here in China, I'm off to bed. Good night all.

16-05-10, 10:21
Nice to hear from some local people! :) I feel alot better today :)

Speak soon x