View Full Version : here we go again

01-02-06, 16:05
ok having a bad day. I dont get these as much since being on citilapram. My stomach is aching from being so tense caused by butterflies. I am smoking like a chimney which isnt helping with my cold. Maybe because i am sorting out other peoples lives instead of my own, having my own problems with greiving with the death of my grandad. Just want to be normal and people to leave me alone . Want to shout I HAVE MY OWN PROBLEMS MY LIFE IS JUST ONE BIG PROBLEM. I dont go looking for trouble so why does it come looking for me? Really dont need this. ........ right i feel better for that moan. cheers

01-02-06, 16:15
well glad you got that off your chest....and feelin better.....lol....i know what you mean about other peoples probs.....have enough of your own right?...but they dont see that......alot of people i know think the anx isnt a prob and should just get it together...."pull yourself together" they say ...."i have real problems" they say...makes me laugh...lol....if they could be in some of our shoes eh....lol....well glad you feel better and if your new on here then hey...hope it helps you out...tc


Ma Larkin
01-02-06, 16:19
Hi Spanky, me too! Must have gone through 20 fags already! Not a good idea. My little boy was involved in a hit & run accident a couple of weeks ago, got full leg plaster, yet i still have idiots ringing me and texting me when they know i've got my hands full. I've really found out who my real mates are this week, "Hi Les, how's Kian, can I borrow £50!" Like i've got £50 spare, not! (single parent with 3 kids). Rely on diazepam for the anxiety and panic attacks, but like you say, I wanna scream "I've got my own problems, since when have you ever done anything for me?" to half my mates. Its all seems to be me give and they take. I'm hiding out at my mums & ignoring the phone now just for some peace and quiet and a little less stress. Hope it eases for you soon. Les

01-02-06, 21:37
Hi Spanky

Its good that these have reduced since being on the med.

It is fully normal to feel stress from a 3rd party. Don't take on more than you can cope with.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

01-02-06, 22:16
Hit and run? God that must be a nightmare mate. Dont you ever wish you could just hide away and say b***** to you all deal with it? Cheers x
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Hi Spanky, me too! Must have gone through 20 fags already! Not a good idea. My little boy was involved in a hit & run accident a couple of weeks ago, got full leg plaster, yet i still have idiots ringing me and texting me when they know i've got my hands full. I've really found out who my real mates are this week, "Hi Les, how's Kian, can I borrow £50!" Like i've got £50 spare, not! (single parent with 3 kids). Rely on diazepam for the anxiety and panic attacks, but like you say, I wanna scream "I've got my own problems, since when have you ever done anything for me?" to half my mates. Its all seems to be me give and they take. I'm hiding out at my mums & ignoring the phone now just for some peace and quiet and a little less stress. Hope it eases for you soon. Les

<div align="right">Originally posted by Lesley Larkin - 01 February 2006 : 16:19:02</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Sue K with 5
02-02-06, 01:51
Hi Spanky

Glad you could vent, its good to do that ! sometimes its easier to deal with other peoples problems puts your own into the back burner and gives you a break, but the lesson you end up learning is yours never go away and when you go to face them you are so drained from listening to other peoples you have no energy for your own.

Take care of No 1 because no other bugger will

Keep venting

Sue with 5


02-02-06, 09:25
Hi Spanky,

The best thing to do when you feel like this is to shut the door, take the phone off the hook, and find some time for yourself.

Everyone else can wait, have a day just for you, it really does help.

Take care

Trac XX

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

02-02-06, 15:47
I agree about taking time out.

Turn the phone to silent or unplug it, stay off the internet where people can still email you and tell everyone that you need time out to chill.

Their problems can wait until tomorrow - you need time for you too.
